Chapter 1: WHAT IS TRADE? Fundamentals of International Business Copyright © 2010 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc CHAPTER 1: What Is Trade?
Unit 1 Overview – BUSINESS FUNDAMENTALS Chapter 1 – International Business Chapter 1 – History of Trade Chapter 1 – Globalization & Interdepen- dance Culminating Activity for Unit 1 – Unit Test Chapter 1 – Helps and Hurts
Chapter 1: WHAT IS TRADE? Fundamentals of International Business Copyright © 2010 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc. Key Terms business transactions domestic business international business domestic market foreign market trade foreign or international trade trading partner duty or tariff globalization interdependence primary industries secondary industries branch plant tertiary industries service sector foreign direct investment portfolio investment culture industry
Vocabulary – Chapter 1 Business The manufacturing and/or sale of goods and/or services to satisfy the wants and needs of consumers to make a profit. Transaction An exchange of things of value. Domestic Business
Chapter 1: WHAT IS TRADE? Fundamentals of International Business Copyright © 2010 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc. Chapter Objectives By the time you finish this chapter, you should be able to: Describe key concepts related to international business Explain how and why Canada’s major international business relationships have evolved over time Demonstrate an understanding of how globalization has affected international business Describe ways in which international business activity develops interdependence among nations Evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of international trade for Canada Explain how the global market has affected consumer demand
Chapter 1: WHAT IS TRADE? Fundamentals of International Business Copyright © 2010 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc. International Business Defined Business The ______________and/or _____of goods and/or services to satisfy the wants and needs of consumers to make a profit.
Chapter 1: WHAT IS TRADE? Fundamentals of International Business Copyright © 2010 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc. International Business Defined Transaction An __________of things of value. $
Chapter 1: WHAT IS TRADE? Fundamentals of International Business Copyright © 2010 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc. International Business Defined Domestic business A business that makes most of its transactions _____ __________________________in which it is based. A domestic business in Canada is:
Chapter 1: WHAT IS TRADE? Fundamentals of International Business Copyright © 2010 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc. International Business Defined International business The economic system of transactions conducted between businesses located in different countries.
Chapter 1: WHAT IS TRADE? Fundamentals of International Business Copyright © 2010 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc. International Business Defined Domestic transactions are made between two (Canadian) companies. International transactions involve a (Canadian) company and a non-(Canadian) company.
Chapter 1: WHAT IS TRADE? Fundamentals of International Business Copyright © 2010 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc. International Business Defined Domestic market__________________________________________ Foreign market The customers of a business who live _________ ______________ than the one where the business operates.
Chapter 1: WHAT IS TRADE? Fundamentals of International Business Copyright © 2010 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc. International Business Defined Five ways for a business to be considered international business an international business: Export to businesses in another country 4.Import from businesses in another country 5.
Chapter 1: WHAT IS TRADE? Fundamentals of International Business Copyright © 2010 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc. International Business Defined Trading partner When a business (in Canada) develops a ____________ with a business in another country, that country becomes a trading partner (with Canada). international trade takes place between ____________ It is important to note that international trade takes place between ____________, not countries.
Why Trade? Countries sell what is no longer needed or made for trade to buy products / services that are needed! This: Creates jobs Attracts investment Attracts new technology and materials Offers people new products and services
Advantages of Trade 1. ___________________________ Allows us to purchase goods we cannot grow/manufacture (e.g. pineapples) Allows us to sell (export) what we grow/manufacture in large numbers (e.g. wheat) trade surplus A trade surplus exists if a country exports more than it imports (a deficit exists with a negative balance, or when a country consumes more than it produces) 2. ___________________ 1 in 3 Canadian jobs depends on exports
Advantages of Trade …. continued 3. ________________________ Foreign investment in office towers, factories and manufacturing facilities helps our communities grow (e.g. Oshawa and the GM plant) 4. ______________________________ Promotes competitiveness by forcing our government and industry to keep pace with other countries 5. ________________________________ Offers consumers a wide range of choices that would otherwise not be available
Disadvantages 1. ______________________________ Western nations often trade with nations that do not support democratic initiatives for their citizens 2. ______________________________ American cultural influences (lifestyles) are worldwide – does this influence take away from the identity of a nation? What values are symbolized by American cultural “products?
Disadvantages….continued 3. _______________________________ Countries with lower standards (e.g. safety) of living can produce goods much cheaply than Canadians, thus taking away employment from Canadian industries 4. ________________________________ Companies will often relocate to countries with low environmental standards → it is far more cost-effective to manufacturer goods there 5. __________________________ Governments are largely influenced by corporations and will create laws that are of more benefit to business than to its citizens e.g. trading of commodities
Homework 1.Read pages 3 – 7 2.Answer “Think About It” questions page 7 3.Fairtrade assignment sheet Read and complete the questions Define Fairtrade and it’s benefits. Research websites for fair trade information on products and prepare a 1 minute presentation on why consumers should buy products that follow a fairtrade system. Share with the class tomorrow. Chapter 1: WHAT IS TRADE? Fundamentals of International Business Copyright © 2010 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc.