Fair Trade Towns and The FIG Tree in Garstang
Welcome! The birth of a global movement Branching out around the world …and back in Garstang The FIG Tree International Fair Trade Visitor Centre
Garstang an ordinary town…
...with special Fairtrade moments
The seed is planted
“The beacon that has started in Garstang can spread like wildfire through the whole country” George Foulkes – past Under Secretary of State, June 2000 The seed sprouts
The UK Five Goals Council passes a Resolution supporting fair trade and agreeing to procure fair trade products. A range of fair trade products are readily available in the area’s shops & catering establishments Fair trade products are used by a number of work places & community organisations Attract media coverage & popular support for the campaign A local Fair Trade steering group is convened to ensure commitment to Fair Trade Town status
Involving the community
The tree grows
Branching out around the world
Clonakilty, Ireland 2003 Media, USA 2006 Saarbrucken, Germany 2009 New Koforidua, Ghana cities, France 2009 Perez Zeledon, Costa Rica 2009 Dunedin, New Zealand 2009 Differdange, Luxembourg 2011 Kumamoto, Japan 2011 Gent, Belgium 2005 Rome, Italy 2005 Sauda, Norway 2006 Yarra, Australia 2006 Neustadt, Austria2007 Cordoba, Spain 2008 Copenhagen, Denmark 2008 Alfenas, Brazil 2008 Groningen, Netherlands 2009 Tampere, Finland 2009 Litomerice & Vestin, Czech Rep Malmo, Sweden 2006 Wolfville, Canada 2007 Poznan, Poland 2012
1,253 Fair Trade Towns in 24 countries
Fair Trade/Slave Trade project 2001
Garstang & New Koforidua Link
Fair Trade Triangle
Garstang Keswick Arnside Lancaster Kendal Windermere Grasmere The Fair Trade Way
The Co-operative Community House in New Koforidua
The FIG Tree International Visitor Centre in Garstang
The FIG Tree Cafe
The exhibition area
The workshop room
FIG Tree Interactive Chocolate Making Events
23 Thank you Bruce Crowther Director, The FIG Tree