Challenges for the New Nation 6.3
U.S. Neutrality French Revolution against the French king begins 1789. France and Britain later went to war. George Washington issued Neutrality Proclamation, saying the U.S. would not take sides in foreign wars.
Palace of Versailles Pantheon
Jay’s Treaty with Britain British would pay damages on seized American ships & abandon forts in NW Territory. U.S. would pay debts owed to Britain treaty was unpopular in U.S.
Pinckney’s Treaty with Spain set border of Spanish Florida New Orleans was reopened to American ships Most Americans supported this treaty.
Conflict in the Northwest Territory led by Little Turtle Battle of Fallen Timbers – Indians defeated Treaty of Greenville - gave Americans most Indian lands in the Northwest Territory.
The Whiskey Rebellion Farmers in western PA rebelled against new whiskey tax Washington led an army against the rebels; Ended without a battle. Showed strength of new federal government
Washington’s Farewell Address Warned against foreign alliances political parties too much public debt