Leonardo da Vinci painter, sculptor, architect, musician, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist and writer “Renaissance Man”
Leonardo da Vinci 1452–1519
Leonardo painted to pay the bills, but his true love was science. One of his best known paintings is the Mona Lisa
The Last Supper
Leonardo da Vinci's Notebooks Hydraulic MachinesMachine to grind convex lenses
Leonardo purposefully left parts of his designs off his notebooks to prevent plagiarism. He also wrote notes and directions backwards so that the reader had to hold a mirror to his writing to read what was written. While some believe that this was another way to prevent plagiarism, others suggest that he wrote this way because he was left handed and didn't want the ink to smear as he moved his hand across the paper. Observations on human anatomy written in mirror script
Viola organista- first bowed keyboard instrument to ever have been invented
Arial Screw-considered to be an early design for a helicopter.
Flying Machine Based on Bat Wings Design Modern Model of da Vinci Flying Machine Many of Leonardo's designs have been built within the last 25 years to test their validity. Not all worked, but some were viable designs centuries before that concept was ever “invented.”
Leonardo's “Tank” DesignModern Model of da Vinci's Tank