Tuesday, August 27, 2012 Notebook Creation
Notebook: Get out your composition notebook. Follow my oral instructions carefully as we set up your notebook.
A Scientist ’ s Notebook is: neat illustrated includes data and experiments also includes thoughts, questions, and problem-solving notes
Alexander Graham Bell ’ s notes on what would become the telephone
Leonardo DaVinci – scientist, mathematician, inventor, engineer, artist, sculptor, military strategist, etc., etc., etc.
“ Leonardo wrote backwards, from right to left but his writing can be read if viewed in a mirror. He also used his own abbreviations and no punctuation. This illegibility ensured that his work remained obscure until the late 19th century. ”
Marie Curie ’ s Science Notebook Marie Curie was a 19 th century scientist who discovered radioactive elements and explored their properties.
It is time to create your notebook! Cover – You will decorate and make it your own after setup! 1 st SectionFlip Table of Contents Gearing Up
FIRST SECTION Turn to the first section now!
TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents DateTitle Page # I
TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents DateTitle Page # II
TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents DateTitle Page # III
TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents DateTitle Page # IV
GEARING UP Gearing Up Remember to always put the date on your warmup. You will need these dates for notebook quizzes!
Typical Notebook Page 1 Page number on every page Basic Science Process Skills Title
Corresponding TOC Entry Table of Contents DateTitle Page # I 8/21Layers of Atmosphere Bk 1