APPs for a Better World! Elad Goz, Consulate General of Israel, Hong Kong
Something very unique and surprising is happening in Israel!
Israel Small size Only 8M People No natural resources Geo-Political challenges since inception
The Start-Up Nation!
Why Start Up Nation? close to 10B US$ M&A’s More than 4000 Start Ups Leading in R&D Expenditure (% of GDP) Leading in Patents in Medical Devices (per Capita)
Why and how has this happened in Israel? Necessity is the “Mother of Invention” Entrepreneurial spirit and acceptance of failure. Non Hierarchal society Long term Government support, risk sharing with private money
1000’s of App developers Highest ever App acquisitions “waze” and “Viber”– around 1B US$ each! Wide range of TECHNOLOGY based APPs Israel App Scene…
Many Israeli App’s are unique and many are focused on Communication, Healthcare, Navigation, Education etc.
(Short term) Future trends in App’s development… Micro-location services Big data meets social Wearable's Mobile Security & Privacy
Before we finish… A demonstration of an Israeli App called WIBBITZ
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