Building the Institutional Planning Team Please sit with your campus team for this session.
Task: How NOT to do this! Create the most dysfunctional process for a building project. 5 min in your team and then share with the large group.
Who Needs to be at the Table?
Team Members Who are the stakeholders? Who are the decision makers? What roles are needed?
Team Members Who are the stakeholders? Faculty: present, new, future Students: present, future Administrators: academic, IT, facilities, maintenance, fundraising, student services Who are the decision makers? Who will speak for faculty? What roles are needed? Diplomat Listener Authority
Task Forces & Focus Groups The Executive Committee The Planning Committee
Types of Task Forces Finance Fundraising Daily construction FFE Moving Details Celebration
Charter Why a charter? Sections: Committee Charge Membership Roles and responsibilities Meeting Guidelines Decision Making Process Evidence of Success Decision Making Authority
Sample of a Charter Committee Charge The Science & Library Project Team is a cross functional group responsible for providing direction and oversight to budget development, monitoring and revision. Specifically, the team is charged with: Establishing project expectations Reviewing and monitoring the project budget Reviewing and monitoring all change orders Tracking project dependencies and working to resolve issues that arise as a result of those dependencies Review and recommend technology and furniture/fixtures/equipment selections with input from appropriate personnel and committees on campus Review and recommend art work allowance with input from appropriate personnel and committees on campus Ensuring minimal disruption to the normal operations of the college Ensuring appropriate involvement and collaboration across all impacted areas of the College Ensuring two-way communication among stakeholders Ensuring that student needs are clearly represented Representing stakeholder interests Setting timelines and ensuring that timelines are met Making recommendations to Executive Cabinet as needed
Communication Messages to be communicated Methods of communication
Agenda TopicResulting Action Items Notes Moving Timeline:Mark Hovelson should prepare RFP to ensure moves takes place on time. Ron will bring timeline for move to April 9 meeting. It has been decided that the Science Dept will move after Summer Session I. The combined library move is still on schedule and will take place right after graduation, with some west library stuff moving a little later in the summer. The bulk of people issues and when they move will depend on IT and how soon they can get the computer equipment installed, which hinges on an absolutely dust-free environment. Mark Hovelson will be asked to prepare the RFP so that the move can begin on time. One RFP should be issued for books, one for science equipment and one for chemicals. Ron Fields will prepare a timeline for the move that will include all affected parties. Open House:Ron Fields volunteered to be on the Open House Committee Brenda feels the Science & Library Project Team should be involved with the Open House, and Project Team members should be on the Open House Committee. Nancy Livingston and Sue Klecker will be directing tours and there will be a large 3-screen presentation. The date for the Open House is set for September 18. It was noted that it is important to remember to be “green” at this event. Science & Library Project Team Meeting Details March 31, 2008,3:00, East 2521 Chair(s):Mike Bruner & Brenda Lyseng Attendees: Brenda Lyseng, Kathleen Landucci,, Cheryl Langevin, Pamela Thinesen, Ron Fields, Mark Hovelson, John Rohleder, Jim Tjossem Minutes
Fundraising Should not be an after thought Needs to be responsive to context Needs to represent the core ideas behind the project
Decision-making Process Needs to be sensitive to institutional culture and context Needs to be responsive to schedule