Mona Lisa. Leonardo da vinci Leonardo da Vinci 。 The last supper.


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Presentation transcript:

Mona Lisa

Leonardo da vinci Leonardo da Vinci

。 The last supper

The sunflower Van Gogh

Michelangelo 米开朗琪罗 the David

Which period of Europe do we want to talk about? A. Classical B. Medieval C. Renaissance

Para 1 Para 2 Para3 Para4 Para5 Para6 a. the development of trade becomes one of the factors of the Renaissance b. a change in ideas about religion c. the introduction of the Mona Lisa d. the implication (含义 ) of the Renaissance e. Leonardo’s influence to history f. something that Leonardo did as a skilled inventor Para7 g. they formed the new ideas on painting, music, and architecture match the main idea with each paragraph.

Fill in the blanks with the proper words The renaissance refers to 14th to 16 th century ___ and the development of art,________ music and _______ there. The famous painting, Mona Lisa, expresses the ____ of the Renaissance. Renaissance means “____” in French and it was used to show that Europeans had _______ after their long sleep in the_______ Ages. The idea of Renaissance rapidly _____the whole Europe. Italyarchitecture literature spirit rebirth woken up Middle spread

In which field did the Renaissance change ? new a. b. c. d. e. trade painting music architecture philosophy

Which of the following sentences is WRONG about Leonardo? A. Wherever he went, he carried a notebook with him. B. Leonardo was only a famous painter in the world. C. In short, Leonardo was an extraordinary genius. D. Leonardo was a painter and an inventor as well. B

But even if his only contribution to history had been the Mona Lisa, it would have been genius enough for all time. 但即使他对历史的贡献仅仅是一幅 《 蒙娜 丽莎 》 这也已经是恒久的天才之作了。

虚拟语气 与过去的事实相反 If 从句 had done 主句 would have done make contributions to for all time

more than Peace is more than the absence of war. She was more than 50 years old. more than +adj./adv.=very 非常,十分 He is more than selfish/beautiful. more …than… 与其说 … 不如说 He is more a friend than a teacher. He is more lazy than stupid. 不仅仅 超过,多于

Architects preferred designed buildings with more light which contrasted with the heaviness of the Gothic cathedrals. contrast with sb./sth. 与 … 形成对照 Their plans contrast sharply with ours. contrast A with B 把 A 与 B 进行对比 by contrast 相比之下 in contrast to/with 与 … 对比

After centuries of accepting a medieval world view in which human life was considered of little value compared with the greatness God. 几个世纪以来,哲学家都持有中世纪的世界观, 认为与上帝的伟大相比人的生命很渺小。 be of little value=valueless be of use/benefit/importance=useful/beneficial compare A with/to B You work is pretty easy compared with mine.

as well as 与 一样好,除 … 之外还有 不仅 … 而且 He works as well as me. Leonard, as well as being one of the greatest painters the world has ever known, was also a skilled inventor. The boy as well as you is interested in computer game.

Why is Mona Lisa smiling ? Opinions: 1.It is a typical satisfied smile of a mother to be. 2.The smile is really a normal expression of someone. She is just thinking. 3.She is really a he. 4.The Mona Lisa is really a picture of Leonardo himself. 5.It look as if she has the whole world on her shoulders

the Mona Lisa is really a self-portrait of Da Vinci.

Preview reading practice on page 25