NOTE-TAKING Humanities Mr. Kelly & Mr. Waterman Some of Leonardo da Vinci’s Notes
Lecture Note-taking Overview Humanities is a note-heavy class One student finished an entire spiral notebook! Why do students take notes? What is the purpose?
Learning by Listening 1. Determine why the speaker’s topic is important. 2. Take responsibility for what is being said. 3. If you can’t hear, arrange things so you can. 4. Listen to what the speaker is saying. 5. Look for speaker’s pattern of organization. 6. Look for the main idea. 7. Don’t let your mind wander. 8. Take notes while you listen.
Note-taking Find a system that works for you. Use shorthand methods. We will ask you to try different types early, but soon you should find a system right for you.
Some useful strategies Cornell Notes Q-Notes Timeline Notes Outline notes