W HAT ’ S THE MATTER WITH YOU ? Clickers ready!
A LL MATTER HAS PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES. T HESE PROPERTIES CAN BE USED TO IDENTIFY THE TYPE OF MATTER. W HICH OF THESE STATEMENTS DESCRIBES A CHEMICAL PROPERTY ? 1. A particular substance evaporates at 30° C. 2. A 2 ft – long metal bar has a mass of 176g. 3. A certain heavy metal turns to liquid at room temperature. 4. A metal is added to a beaker of water and the beaker explodes. Countdown 10
W HAT IS THE VOLUME OF THIS RECTANGULAR SOLID ? 6 cm 10 cm 5 cm cm ³ cm² cm² cm³ Countdown 10
W HICH PROCESS REPRESENTS A CHEMICAL CHANGE ? 1. A lake freezes over 2. A metal bar is rolled into a flat sheet 3. Vinegar bubbles when baking soda is added 4. Sand water and salt combine to form a mixture Countdown 10
M AGNETISM, SOLUBILITY, AND MALLEABILITY ARE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER. W HAT MAKES THESE PROPERTIES DIFFERENT FROM CHEMICAL PROPERTIES ? 1. Physical properties relate to elements rather than compounds 2. Physical properties appear only after a chemical change occurs 3. Physical properties can be observed without trying to change the identity of the substance 4. Physical properties describe elements in the solid state rather than in a liquid or gas state. Countdown 10
M AX IS UPSET BECAUSE HIS ICE CREAM IS MELTING. H E THINKS HE NOW HAS LESS ICE CREAM. W HICH OF THE FOLLOWING STATES WHY M AX SHOULD NOT BE UPSET ? 1. He actually has more, not less ice cream. 2. No mass is lost during change of state. 3. The mass will increase if he freezes the melted ice cream. 4. Mass is lost only during certain changes of state like freezing. Countdown 10
W HICH PROCESS IS AN EXAMPLE OF PHYSICAL CHANGE ? 1. Burning 2. Rusting 3. Flattening 4. Decomposing Countdown 10
C HEMICAL CHANGES RESULT IN NEW SUBSTANCES. P HYSICAL CHANGES DO NOT. W HICH PROCESS IS AN EXAMPLE OF A CHEMICAL CHANGE ? 1. Chopping a tree 2. Cooking a steak 3. Heating a cup of tea 4. Drying clothes in a dryer Countdown 10
W HICH TYPES OF CHANGES OBSERVE THE LAW OF CONSERVATION OF MASS ? 1. Only changes of state 2. Only physical changes 3. Only chemical changes 4. Physical changes and chemical changes Countdown 10
W HAT HAPPENS TO THE TEMPERATURE OF A SAMPLE OF MATTER AS IT CHANGES FROM A LIQUID TO A GAS ? 1. Temperature increases 2. Temperature decreases 3. Temperature remains constant 4. Temperature first decreases, then increases Countdown 10
O N A HOT DAY, A PUDDLE DRIES UP. W HAT STATEMENT DESCRIBING THIS EVENT IS TRUE ? 1. The water in the puddle boils and becomes a gas 2. The water in the puddle evaporates into water vapor 3. The water in the puddle condenses and becomes part of air 4. The water in the puddle changes into particles of oxygen in the air Countdown 10
W HEN A SOLID CHANGES DIRECTLY INTO A GAS IT ’ S KNOWN AS … 1. Evaporation 2. Deposition 3. Sublimation 4. Precipitation Countdown 10
W HICH OF THESE CHOICES IS AN EXAMPLE OF A PHYSICAL PROPERTY ? 1. The tarnishing of silverware 2. The texture of a piece of chocolate 3. The effect of acid rain on cars 4. The combustion of gasoline in a car engine Countdown 10
A N ICE CUBE MELTS AND THE LIQUID WATER EVAPORATES. W HICH IS TRUE ABOUT THE MASS OF WATER THAT GOES THROUGH EACH CHANGE OF STATE ? 1. The mass of water in each state stays the same because mass is conserved 2. The mass of water increases as the water’s volume increases with each change of state 3. The mass of water vapor is less than the mass of ice because some water is lost during each change of state 4. The mass of water vapor is less than the mass of ice because the density of water vapor is less than the density of the ice Countdown 10
W HICH PROCESS IS AN EXAMPLE OF A PHYSICAL CHANGE ? 1. Water changes to steam when it’s boiled over a Bunsen burner 2. Carbon combines with oxygen to form carbon dioxide gas 3. Water breaks down into hydrogen and oxygen gases over time 4. Limestone breaks down into lime and carbon dioxide when heated Countdown 10
W HAT HAPPENS TO THE PARTICLES OF A SAMPLE OF MATTER AS TEMPERATURE IS INCREASED ? 1. Particles melt 2. Particles move faster 3. Particles grow in size 4. Particles become lighter Countdown 10
O N A COOL MORNING, A THICK FOG FORMS. T HROUGH WHICH PROCESS DOES THE FOG FORM ? 1. Water vapor in the air condenses into liquid drops 2. Drops of water fall from the clouds high up in the atmosphere 3. Liquid water on the ground evaporates into drops in the air 4. Air particles change into water molecules as they lose energy Countdown 10