2 Dragon Customer Walter Gysin “I investigate workers' compensation claims for a private investigation company. I spend half of my time interviewing claimants and witnesses and the other half of my time preparing narrative reports that range in length from 5 to 25 pages in length. Two years ago I started using Dragon. Now the report is ‘ready to read’ as there is no longer a transcription delay which in the past could range from 1-4 days. Actually seeing my words allows me to make changes that have improved the quality of my work product. The reports are now completed faster and the quality of the work product is higher.”
3 A Field Inspector Using Dragon “Dragon NaturallySpeaking helps me with my field inspections. I am part of a team that verifies the loss of the applicant's personal property after a disaster. We have to describe the damage in the field and observe and record the personal property loss after the disaster. It's very difficult to carry paper and write under these extreme circumstances. All this information must be downloaded onto a program that contains a set of criteria. I believe this would speed up my process of delivering the information which could ultimately help the applicant receive their loan sooner.”
4 Dragon Customer Dennis James “In my profession, I am known as an Accident Reconstructionist. It is my job to reconstruct vehicular collisions, interpret physical evidence at the scene and basically put the puzzle together as to how a particular collision occurred.... I used to dictate my reports and notes. I would then pay a secretary to type them. I have eliminated that cost by using Dragon to dictate my reports. I use Dragon for all my clerical work. Dragon has increased my business efficiency and profit margin. And I am more confident in the accuracy of my reports and analysis.”
5 Dragon customer Keith Walker “Armed with my digital recorders, I'm out in the field taking statements and recording notes. This is the life of an independent claims adjuster; a lot of facts and a lot of data. During the long drives back and forth in North and South Carolina, the recorders come in handy once again organizing and capturing thoughts. I keep two of them going. Dragon can transcribe most of it; enough to put together a final report and get the job done fast. When you're self-employed, time is money so you've got to be fast and productive. Typing has pretty much become a thing of the past since I got my Bluetooth headset and Dragon 10. I don't miss the typing. Life has become less stressful.”