WKCE Proctor Guidelines
Who can Proctor the WKCE? A qualified proctor for the WKCE is an employed district staff member (including administrators, teachers, and paraprofessionals, etc.) who has been trained in test administration, test security, and appropriate use of test accommodations.
WKCE Resources WKCE Frequently Asked Questions: WKCE web page: WKCE Assessment Accommodations web page : WKCE Publications (DAC Guide/Policy Manual, Test Administration Manual (TAM), Student/Parent Pre-Test Information Brochure, etc.): Proctor Guidelines Handout: Test Administration Training:
Test Security All Proctors should be aware of security around the WKCE. Which should be attained through: ▫Test Security Training and Manual available at ▫Test Administration Manual All Proctors need to read, sign, and return a WKCE Confidentiality Agreement Form to the School Assessment Coordinator prior to testing Proctors must ensure security of the WKCE test books before, during, and after testing. Test materials should be stored in a locked central location and not in classrooms. Notify student ahead of time they are not allowed to bring any phones, cameras, or electronics into the testing area.
Report Security Irregularities Proctors must report all testing irregularities to the school assessment coordinator such as: ▫Student going back to the previous session or proceeding ahead to the next session ▫Student cheating ▫Use of unallowable accommodations that is not available in the assessment accommodation matrix
Create a Positive Atmosphere Help students approach testing in a relaxed, positive way. Reassure students they will have ample time to do their best. Emphasize that scores will not affect their grades, it is only to find out which skills they have mastered and which need further development. Encourage students to attempt all items.
Prior to Test Administration Proctors should read and become familiar with all WKCE test administration manuals and procedures. Proctors should become familiar with appropriate testing accommodations. Become Familiar Test with all Testing Procedures Become Familiar with Appropriate Testing Accommodations Appropriate Test Administration
Test Administration Guidelines Proctors should follow instructions exactly and test directions must be read as written. Proctor should ensure that the test sessions are administered within the allotted time. Provide information on what a session means such as “A session has 15 to 20 test questions and it ends with the last item in the page where the STOP sign is present” so that students are not spending too much time on the first items and rushing at the end Provide clear directions on staying in the session of the test being administered Proctors should provide a couple of time reminders (eg. Halfway, 5 minutes to the end of the test)
Role of the Proctor During Testing Remain in the room throughout the entire test administration and periodically walk around the room to: ▫Ensure that students are not using any prohibited electronic devices ▫Monitor student progress (i.e. Ensure that students are in the correct content area and session) ▫Ensure that students are filling in the bubbles correctly using a # 2 pencil ▫Make sure that students are on task ▫Remind students to check their test session for any missed items or pages prior to completing/turning book in. (Proctors should not page through any student’s book to check for completeness of answers, missed items or pages. To do so would be considered a security violation.)
Make-ups Proctors must keep track of students and give make-up sessions to any student who missed one or more sessions of the WKCE. (A single missed session will affect a student’s score greatly.) All testing must be completed by the close of the testing window.
After Testing Ensure all tests are collected from students Return test materials to the centralized secure location
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