What is storytelling? Storytelling is reciting a story or reading aloud from a book.
Storytelling helps to Build listening and reading skills. Provide models of acceptable behavior and positive social relationships.
Storytelling helps to Build new concepts and ideas. Provide a quiet activity Encourage verbal expression
What kind of books are there? Picture Books- have single words or simple sentences, and simple plots.
Storybooks Contain pictures but have more words and more complex plots than pictures
Family Life Stories Books contain the theme of social understanding
Animal Stories Books that give animals human qualities The animal hero has some unusual success or ability
Fairy Tales Books that have a theme of achievement. Characters or heroes must perform difficult tasks in order to succeed.
How do you choose a good story? Simple plot –Match the child’s level –Illustrations Large, colorful No unneeded detail
How do you choose a good story? Remember the word “STORIES”
How do you choose a good story? Things that rhyme
How do you choose a good story? One main character
How do you choose a good story? Repetition
How do you choose a good story? Includes direct conversation
How do you choose a good story? Ending is definite and realistic
How do you choose a good story? Situations are familiar
Selecting Books for Children, you must consider Fictional content- stories should match the children’s developmental levels and experiences. Durability, Length Illustrations, and vocabulary,
Selecting books Based on Age Infants and toddlers-durable picture books of simple items in surroundings Two year olds- realistic books about things they know, do and enjoy Pointing/touching/sounds
Selecting books Based on Age Three year olds- –request stories by title –Community helpers –Realistic –Simple and clear pictures –Limited number of words
Selecting books Based on Age Four year olds- –Short, simple stories –Exaggeration –Silliness –More curious about the world
Selecting books Based on Age Five year olds- –Memorize word for word –Fantasy –Stories that give them added knowledge
Durability Children should be allowed to hold and carry books as well as turn pages. Pages must be sturdy.
Length Infants- few pages Two year olds- 5-8 minutes Three year olds minutes
Length Four year olds minutes Five year olds minutes
Stereotypes Though books, children gain understanding of people with different skin, color, and language. Knowledge of these differences promotes acceptance.
Avoid Stories that Reinforce Stereotypes Stereotypes are preset ideas about people based on one characteristic (sex, nationality, religion etc ) Children's books need to be free of sexism, racism and ageism.
Reading Stories to Children Choose stories both children and you will enjoy! And follow these easy steps…
Preparing to Read Read story several times Comfortable seating is required Story groups should be small
Introducing the Story Before starting, make personal comments, show children the book to get them involved. Introduce stories with props Identify words
Reading the Story Read story with pleasure! Change tone and pitch of voice to add interest
Maintaining Interest Interest can be seen in their laughter, stillness, and expressions Restore interest by asking questions.
Handling Interruptions Accept questions and answer patiently. Child who are a distraction, apply positive praise to those who are sitting quietly.
Ending Stories Ending should be clear Ask them a question about the story or simply just say…
Achieving Variety in Storytelling Decide if you are going to read a book, or make up your own Practice in front of a mirror
Tapes Audio Tapes have appeal for young children Contain sound and effects You can make your own tapes and pick your story
Draw and Tell Drawing are made on chalk board, tag board, or dry erase Can be used more than once
Puppets You can have puppets tell the story Can be made from mittens, tin cans, and other materials
Flipcharts Flipcharts- stories drawn on large tag board cards. Number the back of each paper to help keep the pages in order
Slide Stories Center around picture taken on field trips Start a slideshow from the beginning to the year, parents will enjoy this!
Flannel Boards Flannel boards are often called felt boards Figures made from non- woven interfacing fabric Can be traced from a storybook