Everyday Public Speaking Chapter 13
After completing this chapter, you will be able to explain types and functions of social-ritual speechesexplain types and functions of social-ritual speeches create and deliver social-ritual speechescreate and deliver social-ritual speeches describe the purposes of an informative speech and a training speechdescribe the purposes of an informative speech and a training speech prepare scripts or notes for informative and training presentationsprepare scripts or notes for informative and training presentations deliver a short informative speech and a training speechdeliver a short informative speech and a training speech respond effectively to audience questionsrespond effectively to audience questions determine if audience members are learning what you intended to communicatedetermine if audience members are learning what you intended to communicate critique social-ritual, informative, and training speechescritique social-ritual, informative, and training speeches
Everyday Public Speaking Social-Ritual SpeechesSocial-Ritual Speeches –have a specific function and follow a short, predictable pattern Informative SpeechesInformative Speeches –intended to tell an audience about a topic Training SpeechesTraining Speeches –teach an audience new skills
Social-Ritual Speeches, or ceremonial speeches, are short presentations that follow a set pattern and have a very specific goal.
Social-ritual speeches are important because they bring people together.
Types of Social-Ritual Speeches AnnouncementsAnnouncements WelcomesWelcomes Awards PresentationsAwards Presentations Acceptance SpeechesAcceptance Speeches IntroductionsIntroductions NominationsNominations StorytellingStorytelling ToastsToasts EulogiesEulogies
Critiquing a Social-Ritual Speech 1.Did the speech meet its intended goals? 2.Did the speech contain the necessary parts? 3.Did the nonverbal messages support the tone of the speech – for example, funny, warm, excited, sad? 4.Was the speech well-adapted to the audience.
Types of Informative Speeches DescriptionDescription –describes a person, place, thing or experience DefinitionDefinition –explains a word or concept in great detail DemonstrationDemonstration –explains or demonstrates a particular concept or thing –may need a visual aid
Principles for Informing 1.The audience must have a need to know the information. 2.The information must be connected to something your audience already knows. 3.The information must be well organized. 4.The information must be repeated. 5.The information must be tied (in some way) to values and feelings.
The Three Learning Styles 1.Listening 2.Watching 3.Doing
Formal feedback given by a critic is called a critique.
Reasons for Learning to be a Competent Critic 1.It will help you become a better listener. 2.It will help you improve your own speaking. 3.It will help others become better speakers.
Critique Guidelines 1.Be specific. 2.Establish some criteria. 3.Describe what you saw and heard. 4.Limit your points. 5.Discuss both strengths and weaknesses. 6.Recognize improvement.
Summary Many everyday public-speaking opportunities occur in school, in the workplace, and in social situations.Many everyday public-speaking opportunities occur in school, in the workplace, and in social situations. Social-ritual speeches include announcements, welcomes, award presentations, acceptance speeches, introductions, nominations, storytelling, toasts, and eulogies.Social-ritual speeches include announcements, welcomes, award presentations, acceptance speeches, introductions, nominations, storytelling, toasts, and eulogies. Informative speeches are intended to describe, define, or demonstrate.Informative speeches are intended to describe, define, or demonstrate. Training speeches are intended to teach listeners how to do something.Training speeches are intended to teach listeners how to do something. In addition to speaking, a competent communicator provides careful critiques that evaluate others’ speeches thoughtfully.In addition to speaking, a competent communicator provides careful critiques that evaluate others’ speeches thoughtfully.