Senior Employment Program Barbara Knight “Promoting training opportunities for employment of program participants.”
Partnership Participant Senior Employment Program Host Agency Employer Partnership
Overview Requires Senior Employment Staff to ensure complete understanding of Host Agency responsibility for older workers assigned to their Host agency Requires understanding of Senior Community Service Employment Program and Project Goals for older workers assigned to their Host Agency. Requires understanding of Performance Based On-the-job Training during the assignment including SCSEP and Project Goals Requires understanding of the assignment description as a clear, concise, and specific tool to guide training progression Requires complete understanding of the Performance Evaluation process during the assignment or at the end of the durational limit of the assignment.
Assessment/Individual Employment Plan Identifies employment skills, transferable skills, and those required by the host agency. Evaluates Host agency potential to provide training in necessary skills to become employed in the public or private sector.
Assessment /IEP Quality assessment of skills and Individual Employment Plan (IEP) goal (s) is crucial to strategic placements leading to employment
Host Agency Matches Must have knowledge of Host Agency needs and mission to determine assignment of participant. Utilize assessment and IEP to determine best match for participant in the community in which they live.
Host Agency Orientation Recordkeeping Adequate supervision Quality training Performance Evaluation Supportive Services to overcome Barriers Health and Safety (Saying the Hard Things)
Host Agency Orientation The first step is to ensure the supervisor thoroughly understands his/her responsibilities in the following areas: Development of Quality Assignment Description (s) that requires more personal involvement of the supervisor with personal interaction to identify barriers and needs for supportive services.
Host Agency Orientation Feedback to the Senior Worker is critical to ensure full understanding of SCSEP and program goals through the following actions: During monitoring visits reiterate program goals. Assess ability of the Host Agency to hire or assist in referral of participant to outside opportunities and supportive services Encourage participation of the senior worker in agency workshops or in-service training to enhance employability at the Host Agency.
Host Agency Orientation Hold annual Host Agency Supervisor meetings to provide training to supervisors while reinforcing their understanding of the partnership and their role in the success or failure of program participants.
Assignment Description Ensure understanding of the assignment description objective Provide transferable skills to employment of senior participant in public or private sector
Assignment Description Documents program participants training progress utilizing required forms and ensuring compliance with the Senior Community Service Employment Program and local Senior Employment Project Mission
Assignment Description Ensures complete understanding of tasks relating to the day-to-day activities of the Host Agency Ensures duties and responsibilities are thoroughly documented and progression is tracked in accordance with agreed upon assignment training goals.
Host Agency Performance Evaluations Ensures evaluations are completed within prescribed periods regarding assignment description tasks Reinforce areas in which the senior participant requires understanding, while retraining takes place as required, to ensure training objectives are met or exceeded.
Putting it all together! Good Assessment /IEP + Host Agency Matches + Host Agency Orientation + Good Assignment Descriptions/Evaluations = Participant Employment Employment
Conclusion We have discussed tools necessary to ensure orderly progression towards employment of the participant. Host Agency Orientation Supervisor Assessment of the participant During the enrollment process
Conclusion Assignment Description Clear, Concise, and Specific objectives Monitoring of the participant Review of program goals Use of Supportive Services Specific, Measureable, Realistic/Relevant, and Time Bounded Training Goals Host Agency Supervisor Meeting (s) Foster program goals focusing on the participant.
Team T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore
Conclusion We are a TEAM