West African Culture TSW 1 describe the life ways of Western Africans TSW 2 explain the importance of oral traditions in non-literate societies, and describe the trial responsibilities of the griot
Family Importance TSW 1 describe the life ways of Western Africans From 300 to 1500 powerful empires controlled much of Africa These empires did not affect daily life Rulers were only dealt with when it came to taxes and court cases A connection among people by blood, marriage or adoption is called a kinship Kinship groups formed the government of many African societies
Family Importance TSW 1 describe the life ways of Western Africans Large kinship groups with a common ancestor are called clans Clans usually followed the same rules In kinships or clans decisions were often made my a council of the oldest members
Work TSW 1 describe the life ways of Western Africans In Western African villages the economy focused mostly on farming Women prepared food, cared for the children, made pottery, worked in the fields and brought water to the village Men looked after large animals, cleared land for farming and built houses and fences Children were responsible for gathering firewood, helping the men with the animals and the women clean the homes
Work TSW 1 describe the life ways of Western Africans Some people in the village focused on specific types of work. Focusing on one job is called labor specialization This labor specialization led to work which required great skill like iron working Iron working made stronger weapons causing them to be in great demand Since lots of people wanted these items the the population grew and became wealthy
Trade TSW 1 describe the life ways of Western Africans West African kingdoms started to grow through trade Gold mining and slave trade led to more contact with North Africa Expanding cities became important as the trade started expanding internationally West Africans traded gold, slaves, ivory and cattle North Africans traded salt, cloth, and metal
Kings TSW 1 describe the life ways of Western Africans As West Africa started to develop complex trade routes kings started to take control of areas Kings kept trade running smoothly and were the religious leader in the community Kings were expected to say the proper prayers and have the proper rituals so that rain would come and bring prosperity to the people
Oral Tradition TSW 2 explain the importance of oral traditions in non-literate societies, and describe the trial responsibilities of the griot West Africa had no written language They passed down their stories through oral story telling The person responsible for those stories was the griot The stories the griot told were to entertain and educate the people Just like the king, griots were also part of religious festivals Griots would sing or act out their stories and the audience would often participate
Resources Slide 1 an_Peninsula&docid=r2h6Vxz_5vQuNM&itg=1&imgurl= Two-point-equidistant-asia.jpg&w=220&h=164&ei=Ijh9UN3MIpHFtAax- oCoCg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=422&vpy=227&dur=197&hovh=131&hovw=176&tx=93&ty=42&sig= &page=1&tbnh=131&tbnw=176 &start=0&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0,i:127ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0,i:127 Slide 2 z6sM:&imgrefurl= /thumb/8/86/Arabian_Peninsula_dust_SeaWiFS-2.jpg/220px-Arabian_Peninsula_dust_SeaWiFS-2.jpg&w=220&h=201&ei=Ijh9UN3MIpHFtAax- oCoCg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=194&vpy=205&dur=370&hovh=160&hovw=176&tx=110&ty=79&sig= &page=1&tbnh=141&tb nw=169&start=0&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0,i:124ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0,i:124 rchnews/archive/sametalpics.htm&docid=d5jDrDD4v_E6PM&imgurl= IpHFtAax- oCoCg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=470&vpy=277&dur=1097&hovh=221&hovw=228&tx=126&ty=121&sig= &page=2&tbnh=137 &tbnw=141&start=15&ndsp=27&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:20,i:194 Slide 3 om/royalty-free-stock-images-umm-al-ma-lake-desert-oasis-sahara,-libya-image &docid=OECohCOFDOm- qM&imgurl= thumb jpg&w=400&h=225&ei=P0N9UNKkO4_dsgaU0IHIDw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=495&vpy=380&dur=41&hovh=168&hovw=300&tx=172 &ty=112&sig= &page=4&tbnh=142&tbnw=249&start=64&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:46,s:20,i:339