Volume 15 v 1.00 Created by: Hipapheralkus.


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Presentation transcript:

Volume 15 v 1.00 Created by: Hipapheralkus


Babylon 5 Original Treatment Commander Jeffrey Sinclair Vice Commander Laurel Chang Dr. Chakri Mendak Security Chief Michael Garibaldi Carolyn Sykes Delenn Khosh Naranek Londo Collari Jackarr

Babylon 5 Writer's Bible Season One: Commander Jeffrey Sinclair (Michael O’Hare) Lieutenant Commander Susan Ivanova () Security Chief Michael Garibaldi (Jerry Doyle) Dr. Stephen Franklin () Lyta Alexander (Patricia Tallman) Catherine Sakai () Delenn (Mira Furlan) Londo Mollari (Peter Jurasik) G’Kar (Andreas Katsulas) Kosh Naranek () Mr. Jones () The Boss () Ombuds Edgar Wellington () Ko D’ath () Virell () Lennier ()

History – Interstellar exploration and colonisation 2184 – prvý kontakt s Centaurami 2230 – prvý kontakt s Narnami 2242 – prvý kontakt s Minbarmi – Earth-Minbari War – zahájený projekt Babylon – Stavba Babylonu – prvý kontakt s Vorlonmi 2262 – Príbeh končí

Technology Jumpgates Ships PPG Links Encounter Suit Universal Translator Transporters Artificial Gravity

The Exercise of Vital Powers (bogus script) Act One Act Two Act Three Act Four Taq

Joe Cuts Jan Schroeder porovnala všetkých 92 scenárov z Volume 1-14 riadok po riadku s DVD edíciou 160 hodín seriálu, spolu našla 526 zmien – v priemere 6 zmien na epizódu porovnanie 1 epizódy so scenármi trvalo minút najviac zmien je v častiach War Without End (29 zmien) kritéria na porovnávanie: – Added – bolo na DVD, nebolo v scenároch – niektoré verzie scenárov boli staršie ako finálne – Deleted – ukázali sa v scenároch ale neboli na DVD – väčšinou boli vyhodené z dôvodu časového aby mala časť potrebnú minutáž – Changed – zmena v DVD edícii a scenároch – Extended – zmena dialógov v DVD edícii a scenároch názov epizódy / označenie časti / Volume / scéna = kritérium

Soul Hunter / 102 / 1 / 57 = Changed Infection / 101 / 1 / = Changed The Parliament of Dreams / 108 / 1 / = Deleted The Parliament of Dreams / 108 / 1 / = Deleted And the Sky, Full of Stars / 103 / 2 / 38 = Deleted Revelations / 202 / 3 / 36 = Extended The Comming od the Shadows / 209 / 3 / 13 = Deleted Acts of Sacrifice / 212 / 3 / 28 = Extended Hunter, Prey / 213 / 4 / 47 = Deleted In the Shadow of Z’ha’dum / 217 / 4 / 40 = Deleted Confessions and Lamentations / 218 / 4 / 50 = Changed The Long, Twilight Struggle / 219 / 4 / 93 = Extended

Comes of the Inquisitor / 221 / 4 / 45 = Extended Comes of the Inquisitor / 221 / 4 / 55 = Deleted Comes of the Inquisitor / 221 / 4 / 37 = Deleted Voices of Authority / 304 / 5 / 25 = Extended Voices of Authority / 304 / 5 / 15 = Extended Severed Dreams / 310 / 6 / 123 = Extended Severed Dreams / 310 / 6 / = Deleted A Late Delivery from Avalon / 312 / 6 / 17 = Deleted A Late Delivery from Avalon / 312 / 6 / 19 = Deleted A Late Delivery from Avalon / 312 / 6 / 39 = Extended Interludes and Examinations / 315 / 7 / 17 = Deleted Interludes and Examinations / 315 / 7 / 30 = Extended

War Without End, Part 1 / 316 / 7 / 21 = Changed War Without End, Part 1 / 316 / 7 / = Deleted War Without End, Part 1 / 316 / 7 / 69 = Changed War Without End, Part 2 / 317 / 7 / 113 = Deleted War Without End, Part 2 / 317 / 7 / 116 = Extended War Without End, Part 2 / 317 / 7 / 130 = Deleted Grey 17 is Missing / 319 / 7 / = Deleted Grey 17 is Missing / 319 / 7 / 61 = Extended Z’ha’dum / 322 / 8 / 3 = Changed Z’ha’dum / 322 / 8 / 4 = Deleted Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi? / 402 / 8 / 33 = Extended Into the Fire / 406 / 9 / 70 = Deleted Into the Fire / 406 / 9 / 117 = Extended

Epiphanies / 407 / 9 / 16 = Extended Epiphanies / 407 / 9 / 49 = Extended Atonement / 409 / 9 / 2 = Extended Conflicts of Interest / 412 / 9 / 19 = Changed Moments of Transition / 414 / 10 / 64 = Deleted No Surrender, No Retreat / 415 / 10 / 21 = Extended Between Darkness and the Light / 419 / 10 / = Extended Rising Star / 421 / 11 / 14 = Deleted Rising Star / 421 / 11 / 53 = Extended Sleeping in Light / 422 / 11 / 14 = Deleted No Compromises / 502 / 11 / 16 = Changed Phoenix Rising / 512 / 12 / = Deleted And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder / 517 / 13 / = Extended The Wheel of Fire / 520 / 14 / 38 = Extended Objects in Motion / 521 / 14 / 7 = Extended Objects in Motion / 521 / 14 / 39 = Changed