The ABC’s of Life… Instructional training/ building blocks to help you get through life’s challenges By DanVonique Bletson-Reed EDTC 560 Professor William Lee
A: Accept the challenge… The first key to success is to accept the challenge or assignment. If you don’t first try, you won’t know if you are capable of succeeding.
B: Be the best you can be… Remember that you can only be you. God created us all in his image and he equipped us all with all of the necessary tools to accomplish whatever it is we are try to do.
D: Dedicate your life to your dreams… Ask God what your purpose is in life and after learning what it is, spend time trying to accomplish your purpose/dreams. Whatever may come to discourage that dream or purpose, rebuke and overlook the negative and continue to achieve your hearts desire.
E: Expect some hard times… Remember that whenever you set out to overcome life’s obstacles, you will have hard times… You may get tired or even fall in the process… It’s okay- just get up, dust yourself off, keep going and whatever you do never give up!
F: Have faith to fight them all off… Philippians : 4:13 (KJV) says- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. When the tough get going the going get tough- meaning when hard times come upon us, we have to push our way through the trying times to get to our prize…
G: Get God on your side… We all have to believe in something or we’ll fall for anything. Whatever you choose to believe in is your choice, but please remember that when things get rough, you can depend and trust in your God to help you get through the hard times. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not to thy own understanding; In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy path. Proverbs 3:5-6.
H: Have a made up mind to take that … I: and inspire somebody else…
J: Join Jesus on your journey… K: Keep on keepin on… L: Let your light shine everyday… M: Make everyday count…
N: Never say I can’t… If you believe- you can achieve.
O: Overcome your obstacles… By faith I can have it By faith I can grab it By faith I believe it By faith I receive it
P: Put your best foot forward… Whatever you set out to do, do the best job you possibly can do. My father often tells me, “If you are going to come, then come correct!”
Q: Quit Quitting… There is a song I sing at church titled: We fall down, but we get up… The song then goes on to say,… “for a saint is just a sinner who fell down and got up.” No matter how hard things get, keep on pushing!
R: Run the race with patience… Pace yourself Take one step at a time Make a chart or calendar and check off each milestone.
S: Stand Strong…
Trust in the Lord… Remember the only thing that God can’t do is fail!
U: Use your talents…
V: Value your time… Life is short Get and keep your priorities in check And while you are reaching your dreams, goals and aspirations, remember to take time out to smell the flowers
W: Work until your work is done….
X: X-ray your own life style… There is a scripture in the Bible (Matthews) that says, judge not yet ye be judge. … Then it goes to say… Before you get the speck of dust out of your neighbors eye, get the plank out of your own eye first!!! I said all of that to say…We have to be careful to check ourselves before we check others. And in checking ourselves we won’t have time to focus on what others are doing!
Y: Yearn to achieve all the goals in which you seek…
Z: Have zeal and faith to reach the highest mountain peak… HOME PAGE