Industrial Technologist’s Toolkit For Technical Management (ITTTM) Introduction, Overview: Orientation Tutorial Presentation 1 1. Explanation of this presentation,


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Presentation transcript:

Industrial Technologist’s Toolkit For Technical Management (ITTTM) Introduction, Overview: Orientation Tutorial Presentation 1 1. Explanation of this presentation, context 2. Core knowledge, discipline, profession, ITTTM 3. ITTTM Toolkits, CD courseware 4. ITTTM courseware, courses, portfolios 5. Technical project, applied research, applications 6. Review, broader ITTTM relationships Dr. John W. Sinn, Professor, Bowling Green State University

Explanation Of This Presentation, Context This is the first of four related presentations used to help you understand and use ITTTM courseware. The four ITTTM orientation tutorials can help you see relationships in core knowledge and technical management as part of ITTTM. The four related presentations are: 1. ITTTM Introduction, Overview 2. ITTTM Content Overview 3. ITTTM Process Overview 4. ITTTM Assessment Overview

Core knowledge is what the ITTTM courseware is about, defining discipline, profession……… Where, how does core knowledge, discipline originate?  Text books  Advisory committees, local demands, needs  Political pressures, realities, tradition  Collective faculty knowledge, consulting, work  Accreditation guidelines, certification Explanation Of This Presentation, Context

Core Knowledge, Discipline, Profession, ITTTM Characteristics of core knowledge, discipline, profession are “pulled together” in the ITTTM courseware.  Process and content intertwined  Interdisciplinary relationships as base  Data and documentation, applications  Problem solving, decision-making  Change, assessment, improvement systems  Technical project management  Team functions, communication systems

 Core knowledge is:  shared by all  professional identity  interdisciplinary base  Discipline is how we:  solve technical problems  conduct, do work  do professional decisions A profession is based on disciplined core knowledge for accreditation, certification, and professional identity ITTTM courseware defines, facilitates core knowledge as technical management, quality, productivity Core Knowledge, Discipline, Profession, ITTTM

ITTTM Toolkits, CD Courseware Six sets define core, overview 42 tool courseware system:  Primer: overviews system, core knowledge, start point  Cultural: broad change, leadership, transformation  Data: six sigma problem solving, decision-making  Documentation: problem solving, kaizen, lean, ISO  Service: data, documentation in service functions  Synchronous: product launch, robust analysis, capstone  Manufacturing and non-manufacturing, e-commerce  Digital, MS Word, CD format, based on Office Suite  Text or supplement, facilitate, guide work electronically  Traditional or online communication, optimum flexibility

ITTTM Toolkits, CD Courseware Documentation Tools, Lean Data Tools, Six Sigma Service, Tools Manufacturing, Non-Manufacturing Synchronous Tools, New Product Development Applied Research, Project Team Cultural Change, Industrial And Academic Core Values Quality Management System Product Realization Measurement Analysis Improvement Resource Management Analysis, Global Views, Values Integration, Pragmatic Field Information Disciplined Knowledge, Research And Development Interaction, Problem Solving, Decision Making Communication, Internal, External, E-commerce Management Responsibility ISO Total Quality, Baldridge Leadership Context, Continuous Improvement Professional Outputs Primer Inputs Model System: Industrial Technologists’ Toolkit For Technical Management (ITTTM)

Six tool sets, major parts in ITTTM model, each a course:  Primer: outer ring in model, foundational, start point  Cultural: broad change, core values, outer ring related  Data: key circle of six sigma relationships  Documentation: key circle, assessing ISO precepts  Service: non-manufacturing service core knowledge  Synchronous: capstone, future planning, applied research Tool sets are basis for improvement, assessment in a team project environment of change and growth, portfolioed, addressed as core knowledge for Industrial Technologists’. ITTTM Courseware, Courses, Portfolios

1. Student Teams Form, Get Started, Do Project 2. Review All Information, Define Project, Chat 3. Review Past Student Portfolios, Toolkits 4. First Tool Started, Build On Format In Startup 5. Assess Startup, First Tool Review As Portfolio 6. Teams Use Assessment Feedback To Improve Where, how, when do toolkits fit………startup……… ITTTM Courseware, Courses, Portfolios

Startup in courses, courseware parallels, facilitates:  Startup information is collected, reviewed, analyzed  Project defines, portfolio structure, courseware, first tool  Courseware design parallels startup activity, separate  Courseware reviews, startup infrastructure introduced  Startup, assessment feedback, is like ITTTM assessment  Startup is a separate file, indirectly part of courseware ITTTM Courseware, Courses, Portfolios

After startup, courseware facilitates course, portfolio:  Portfolio is team oriented, individual identified  Portfolio is knowledge growth, project deliverables  Courseware, assessment oriented, iterative improvement  Courseware, disciplined quality system infrastructure  Portfolio has structure from courseware to guide  Each tool, done as key assignment, evolves portfolio ITTTM Courseware, Courses, Portfolios

1. Team Does Startup, Identifies Project 2. All Do Tool Work Individually, Coordinated 3. Team Work Posted, Blackboard, Assessed 4. Chat Based On Feedback Assessment, Reviews 5. Do Next Tool, Repeat Cycle For Six Tools Total 6. Phase I, II, Synthesize 3 Tools In Portfolio Portfolio development, assessment, six tools……… ITTTM Courseware, Courses, Portfolios

1. Regular Critique Assessment (RCA’s) 2. RCA’s Are Built On, Grown With Each Tool 3. Grow Knowledge, Assess Work In RCA’s 4. Analyze, Synthesize, Information, Apply Project 5. Raise Questions, Assess Own Project 6. RCA’s Improve, Format As Portfolio One tool form, Regular Critique Assessment (RCA)…… ITTTM Courseware, Courses, Portfolios

1. Standard Dedicated Audit (SDA’s) 2. SDA’s Are Targeted To Each Tool Content 3. Grow Knowledge, Assess Areas Specifically 4. Analyze, Synthesize, Information, Apply Project 5. Raise Questions, Assess Own Project 6. SDA’s Assess Project, Do Portfolio Second tool form, Standard Dedicated Audit (SDA)…… ITTTM Courseware, Courses, Portfolios

1. SDA’s Are Targeted To Each Tool Content 2. RCA’s Are Built On, Grown With Each Tool 3. Both Grow Knowledge, Assess To Improve 4. Analyze, Synthesize, Information, Apply Project 5. Raise Questions, Research On Project 6. Assess Project, Document As Portfolio RCA, SDA forms are courseware, research structure…… Technical Project, Applied Research, Applications

Tools, as courseware, conclude with applications:  Applications merge tool content, experience of project  Applications are synthesis, interpretation, reflection  Requiring, doing team communication, management  Table format “collects” team data and documentation  Assessed by others, compile based on each others’ work  Courseware iterative processes do improvement  Portfolio emerging as assessed collection, best practices

Technical project, applied research, broad-based  Facilitates team project focus, hands-on, reality based  Empowered leadership, excellence, Baldridge rubrics  Problem solving, technical management, research  Portfolio assessment documents continuous improvement  Questions raised in SDA’s, RCA’s cause team to “dig in”  Courseware is a research structure, disciplined approach  Reflection, assessment, is research knowledge base Technical Project, Applied Research, Applications

Review, Broader ITTTM Relationships This was the first of four presentations to help understand, use ITTTM courseware. The four presentations in the ITTTM Orientation Tutorial folder include: 1.ITTTM Introduction, Overview 2.ITTTM Content Overview 3. ITTTM Process Overview 4. ITTTM Assessment Overview After viewing these, best in order, you can review or use the courseware provided in the ITTTM 42 Tools folder. Give feedback by using forms in the ITTTM Research Folder. Contact the author at