BA 4226 Managing Organizational Change Introduction Course syllabus available at Instructor: Ça ğ rı Topal 1
Description Exploring theories of organizational change and their practical implications Why organizations change How organizations change What changes in organizations 2
Relevance Responding to complex and dynamic business environment Planning ahead Understanding whether change is needed Understanding what change is needed Understanding one of the most challenging processes 3
Objectives Acquiring the knowledge of change concepts and practices based in different organizational change paradigms Improving teamwork skills through interactive learning 4
Outcomes Understanding different organizational change paradigms and their implications Explaining reasons, sources, and types of organizational change Discussing implementation, resistance, and maintenance processes in organizational change Linking organizational vision and change Knowing about change communication Showing improved teamwork skills 5
Textbook Required Palmer, I., Dunford, R. and Akin, G Managing Organizational Change: A Multiple Perspectives Approach (2nd edition). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. 6
Assessment-1 Midterm 125% Midterm 225% Projectpresentation and report15% Group participation-lecture 5% Group participation-case22% (2% for each of 11 cases) Individual participation-lecture/case13% Total 105% 7
Assessment-2 Grades and notes are final and not subject to change. No individual request for additional study for raising a grade will be accepted. No non-academic criteria such as that you are working outside, that this is your last semester, and that this is your only course will be considered in grading. 8
Midterms Closed-book and closed-note Multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, true-false, and short- and long-answer questions Midterm 1: chapters 1-6, November 11 Midterm 2: chapters 7-12, December 16 No final exam and thus no resit exam Make-up exam only if applied within one week after the exam with documentation No make-up for group or individual participation studies in the class 9
Lecture participation Key points of each chapter Group discussions Individual contributions Come prepared Bring your book to the class 10
Case participation Case discussion after each chapter Read the case beforehand Discussion in a group of at most 3 students General class discussion Separate evaluation for each case discussion If any student is observed by the instructor as busy with something unrelated, s/he will get a zero mark for the case. Do not write the name of an absent student on the group/case participation sheet and lose all participation points 11
Project presentation and report-1 Group of 3 students at most An organization located in Ankara A project based mainly on firm documents or websites is not acceptable. One or two interviews are required. Describe the organization and the change process (2 pages) Analyze the process with the implementation perspectives-Chapters 7 and 8 (8 pages) Provide information on interviews (appendix) 12
Project presentation and report-2 Explicitly relate data to concepts Present and submit your report (10 pages) Project report due on the first day of presentations Projects not presented given zero grade One point penalty for each day of late submission Use the required format (see the syllabus) Group mark or different allocation 13
Civility Be in class on time Turn your cellular phones off Turn your laptops off Avoid engaging in side conversations Use an impersonal professional language See the instructor if you need special arrangements 14
Grading PercentageGradeCoefficient AA BA BB CB CC DC DD FD and belowFF0 15
Code of ethics and regulations Make yourself familiar with or refresh your memory about the university’s code of ethics and regulations 16
Questions Concerns 17