FEBRUARY 5, 2014 DOWNTOWN ATHLETIC CLUB EUGENE, OREGON Welcome to the Oregon GIS Framework Forum.


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Presentation transcript:

FEBRUARY 5, 2014 DOWNTOWN ATHLETIC CLUB EUGENE, OREGON Welcome to the Oregon GIS Framework Forum

Today’s agenda: 10:00 Welcome and IntroductionsBob DenOuden, GEO 10:15 The Oregon Spatial Data Library: a Vision for Increased Data Sharing:Myrica McCune, INR/OSU 10:45 Historical Railroad Data Standard IntroductionEmmor Nile, ODF and Ed Kamholz 11:15 Water and Monitoring Well Standard AmendmentBob Harmon, OWRD 11:30 – 11:45 break 11:45 Zoning Extension to Administrative Boundaries Data StandardGail Ewart, DLCD 12:00 UGB Stewardship PlanGail Ewart, DLCD 12:30 – 1:45 Lunch (provided) and Transportation FIT meeting (Sunset Room) 1:45 FGDC Thoroughfare, Landmark, and Postal Address Data Standard adoption Cy Smith, GEO 2:30 Address Repository Project UpdateKeith Massie/Dave Snader, GEO 3:30 Introduction to the NENA NG911 United States Civic Location Data Exchange Format (CLDXF) Standard Michael Gurley, OEM 4:00 adjourn

Purpose of framework forums Foster communication and collaboration among Oregon GIS community Bring community together to review, debate, and improve framework data standards Key component of standards process Broaden framework implementation team participation and awareness Share information and network with others

What is Framework? Framework data are fundamental geospatial data elements, typically statewide in extent, intended to serve the purposes of a broad range of users. Framework program is organized into fifteen themes, each with a multi-agency FIT Data are developed to agreed upon standards defined through a collaborative community based effort Data shared and made available through central web portal and shared services Data maintained under stewardship agreements and considered to be authoritative. Biennial FIT project funding through GEO

Oregon Framework Themes

Framework Implementation Teams 251 data elements 13 workgroups 23 standards ~100 agencies: federal, state, local, private, non profit Hundreds of participants

Upcoming events Survey of framework participants Elevation FIT: Feb 18, Salem Administrative Boundaries FIT: Feb 26, Salem GIS In Action Conference: April at PSU Framework Forum (webinar format) in late spring

For more information on framework GEO website: gis.oregon.gov (503)

Today’s agenda: 10:00 Welcome and IntroductionsBob DenOuden, GEO 10:15 The Oregon Spatial Data Library: a Vision for Increased Data Sharing:Myrica McCune, INR/OSU 10:45 Historical Railroad Data Standard IntroductionEmmor Nile, ODF and Ed Kamholz 11:15 Water and Monitoring Well Standard AmendmentBob Harmon, OWRD 11:30 – 11:45 break 11:45 Zoning Extension to Administrative Boundaries Data StandardGail Ewart, DLCD 12:00 UGB Stewardship PlanGail Ewart, DLCD 12:30 – 1:45 Lunch (provided) and Transportation FIT meeting (Sunset Room) 1:45 FGDC Thoroughfare, Landmark, and Postal Address Data Standard adoption Cy Smith, GEO 2:30 Address Repository Project UpdateKeith Massie/Dave Snader, GEO 3:30 Introduction to the NENA NG911 United States Civic Location Data Exchange Format (CLDXF) Standard Michael Gurley, OEM 4:00 adjourn