United States Jeopardy By: Owen Bernecker
Capital of Pennsylvania What is Harrisburg
City where the Liberty Bell is located What is Philadelphia
Chocolate capitol of the world What is Hershey
Home of the cheesesteak sandwich, water ice, soft pretzels, and TastyKakes What is Philadelphia
Location where Betsy Ross made the first American flag What is Philadelphia
Capital of Maryland What is Annapolis
The National Aquarium is located where What is Baltimore
The sailing capital of the world What is Annapolis
Maryland's State Bird What is Baltimore Oriole
Maryland's State Beverage What is Milk
Florida's Capital What is Tallahassee
Florida's Largest City What is Jacksonville
Florida's State Bird What is the mockingbird
Florida's State Salt Water Mammal What is the Porpoise/Dolphin
Florida's State Beverage What is Orange Juice
California's State Capital What is Sacramento
California's State Mammal What is the Grizzly Bear
California's State State Marine Mammal What is the Gray Whale
California's State Nickname What is The Golden State
California's State Bird What is the California valley quail
Texas' State Capital What is Austin
Texas' Largest City What is Houston
Texas' State Nickname What is The Lone Star State
Texas' Large State Mammal What is the Texas longhorn
Texas' State Insect What is the Monarch Butterfly