McGraw-Hill/Irwin Business Research Methods, 10eCopyright © 2008 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Chapter 10 Experiments
10-2 Learning Objectives Understand... Uses for experimentation. Advantages and disadvantages of the experimental method. Seven steps of a well-planned experiment. Internal and external validity with experimental research designs. Three types of experimental designs and the variations of each.
10-3 PulsePoint: Research Revelation 826 The average dollar amount spent each year per employee on employee on training.
10-4 Experiments Challenge Perceptions “We need to keep an open mind and approach life as a series of experiments. We need to observe the experiments happening around us and create new ones. Instead of accepting the world as we think it is, we need to keep testing it to find out what it is and what works.” Jerry Wind, Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania
10-5 Causal Evidence Agreement between IVs and DVs Time order of occurrence Extraneous variables did not influence DVs
10-6 Evaluation of Experiments Advantages Ability to manipulate IV Use of control group Control of extraneous variables Replication possible Field experiments possible Disadvantages Artificiality of labs Non-representative sample Expense Focus on present and immediate future Ethical limitations
10-7 Conducting an Experiment Specify treatment levels Control environment Choose experimental design Select and assign participants Pilot-test, revise, and test Collect data Analyze data Specify treatment variables
10-8 Selecting and Assigning Participants Random assignment Matching
10-9 Random Assignment
10-10 Validity in Experimentation ExternalInternal
10-11 Threats to Internal Validity Threats MaturationHistoryTesting Instrumentation Selection Statistical regression Experimental mortality
10-12 Experimental Research Designs Pre-experiments True experiments Statistical Designs
10-13 After-Only Case Study X O Pre-experiment
10-14 One Group Pretest-Posttest Design O 1 X O 2 Pre-experiment
10-15 Static Group Comparison X O 1 O 2 Pre-experiment
10-16 Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design RO 1 XO 2 RO 3 O 4 True experiment
10-17 Posttest-Only Control Group Design True experiment RXO1RO2RXO1RO2
10-18 Nonequivalent Control Group Design O1XO2O3O4O1XO2O3O4 Field experiment
10-19 Separate Sample Pretest-Posttest Design RO 1 (X) R X O 2 Field experiment
10-20 Group Time Series Design R O 1 O 2 O 3 X O 4 O 5 O 6 R O 7 O 8 O 9 O 10 O 11 O 12 Field experiment
10-21 Job Enrichment Quasi-Experiment
10-22 Key Terms Blind Control group Controlled test market Dependent variable Double-blind Environmental control Experiment Experimental treatment External validity Field experiment Hypothesis Independent variable Internal validity
10-23 Key Terms Matching Operationalized Quota matrix Random assignment Replication Test market –Electronic test market –Simulated test market –Standard test market –Virtual test market Treatment levels Web-enabled test market