Regents Biology Classification
Regents Biology Classification System to organize all living creatures plants animals microbes etc. Nowadays we can use DNA and protein sequencing to help us see similarities
Regents Biology Organizing the world of organsims The Tree of Life organize creatures by structure & function how they are built how they live organize them into groups of closely related creatures
Regents Biology Bacteria & Archaebacteria Classification 6 Kingdom system Prokaryotes No separate organelles in their cells Bacteria Archaebacteria Eukaryotes Separate organelles in their cells Protists Plants Fungi Animals Prokaryote Eukaryote
Regents Biology Kingdom Protist Kingdom Fungi Kingdom Plant Kingdom Animal Kingdom Archaebacteria Kingdom Bacteria Prokaryotes Eukaryotes
Regents Biology Classification Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus species
Regents Biology Carolus Linnaeus The Linnean system proposed in 1700s each species has a 2 part name genus species Homo sapiens
Regents Biology Latin binomial 2 part scientific name Genus — larger group to which organism belongs always capitalized species — specific name for that organism always lowercase example: Linnaeus named humans Homo sapiens means “wise man” — perhaps in a show of hope & optimism
Regents Biology Genus groupings Classify organisms into broader groups Species that are closely related are grouped into the same genus LeopardPanthera pardus African lion Panthera leo Tiger Panthera tigris
Regents Biology Orders & families
Regents Biology Why not use common names? Misleading starfish dragonfly Confusing blue jay, blue coat, corn thief dog, perro, chien I swim, but I’m still a bird!
Regents Biology Why not use common names? But they all have only one scientific name! Cyanocitta cristata Pyrrhosoma nymphula Pisaster ochraceus
Regents Biology Any Questions?