Social Studies Strands By Kelly O’Neil
OHIO Fourth Grade Level
Table of Contents Strand 1 Activities Websites Strand 2 Activities Websites Strand 3 Activities Websites
Table of Contents Strand 4 Activities Websites Strand 5 Activities Websites Strand 6 Activities Websites Strand 7 Activities Websites
1. American Heritage 1. Create a timeline of Ohio’s history 2. Select an event from Ohio’s history and explain its significance 3. Create a relief map of Ohio’s geography
American Heritage (con’t) 4. Choose an individual important to the history of Ohio, and write of their importance 5. Use aerial photos to detect the use of land in the local area
Websites An online encyclopedia that includes information about Ohio's natural history, prehistory and history A site that has significant events in Ohio ’ s history
Websites eography.htm This site is dedicated solely to geography A site dedicated to the Ohio presidents with valuable information about each Ohio president This site has much information regarding Ohio’s land uses
2. People in Societies 1. Identify the various cultural groups of Ohio 2. Create a map of the areas where the different cultural groups settled in Ohio 3. In small groups, compare and contrast the customs and traditions of two cultural groups from Ohio
People in Societies (con’t) 4. Determine how Ohio’s government deals with its cultural groups 5. Examine the contributions of Ohio’s cultural groups
Websites This site gives information regarding each cultural group that has settled in Ohio Information regarding where various cultural groups have settled in Ohio ollection.asp This site is dedicated to the cultural practices and traditions to Ohioans
Websites This site has topics on cultural issues and how the government deals with them People can learn how different cultural groups interact among themselves and with others
3. World Interactions 1. Compare and contrast globes and maps 2. Create a map of Ohio using a large piece of paper, locate the major cities, highways, forests, and rivers 3. Describe Ohio’s location relative to the other states of the U.S
World Interactions (con’t) 4. Research Ohio’s exports and where they are exported around the world 5. Create a diagram describing Ohio’s climate, vegetation, and resources
Websites Ge.pdf Gives ideas on how to compare and contrast globes and maps This site offers all types of Ohio maps including road, geography, and topography ohio/ Shows different types of Ohio maps
Websites A site devoted solely to all of Ohio’s exported goods, and where they are exported around the world This site is dedicated to Ohio’s land management and natural resources
4. Decision Making and Resources 1. Identify Ohio’s natural resources and provide examples of each 2. Explain how various land grants are awarded to park and recreation facilities 3. Explain why rotating crops is important to Ohio farmers
Decision Making and Resources (con’t) 4. Explain how supply and demand works 5. Give each student a budget for the week. They record every expenditure they have
Websites This is the Ohio Department of Natural Resources website. It lists all of Ohio’s resources and what region they are located in ‘Ohio Land Grants’ and ‘Ohio Lands - A Short History’ Two free booklets on the formation of Ohio and her lands
Websites m This site is dedicated to anything anyone would want to know about crop rotation nqui2.htm Explores supply and demand with an internet activity acherscreatebudget.htm An interactive site that teachers students how to create a budget
5. Democratic Process 1. Identify the governor and the two senators of Ohio 2. State the number of congressional representatives from Ohio 3. Research the number of electoral votes Ohio controls
Democratic Process (con’t) 4. Explain the basic function of each branch of local and state government 5. Define the purposes of state government
Websites Site includes state of the state address initiatives and news releases, audio/video, and proclamations Gives information about Ohio ’ s congressional representatives A site that is dedicated to Ohio’s business and government
Websites nt_history/government_history.htm This site offers facts about Ohio's Government & history Provides a wealth of information about Ohio's government, its history, even its trees
6. Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities 1. Explain the process of registering to vote in the state of Ohio 2. Identify the voting age in the state of Ohio 3. Decipher between local and state government responsibilities
Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities (con’t) 4. Interpret between state and national government responsibilities 5. Research local candidates for election
Websites Explains how to register to vote in Ohio %20old%20vote/voting.htm Explains how the voting age was lowered to 18 years of age Local Government Responsibilities. Some of the key responsibilities/activities of the Local Government
Websites ml The meaning and importance of the United States Constitution. Organization and major responsibilities of the national government A complete directory of Ohio candidates
7. Science, Technology, & Society 1. Use the internet to identify important inventions of Ohio 2. Identify Ohio’s endangered and threatened plant species 3. Explain the effects of Zebra muscles on Lake Erie
Science, Technology, & Society (con’t) 4. Name and locate on a map the number of state parks and state forests in Ohio 5. Explain the significance of having open space land in Ohio
Websites /inventors/puzzler.html The official Ohio inventors website Find Federally-threatened and endangered plants by Family, Genus, and/or state atb1013.html This sites has information about the Clean Water Act
Websites ng.htm Ohio's state parks, forests and nature preserves offer hundreds of miles of trails through some of the state's most picturesque terrain pace.htm Land trusts may also have an opportunity to identify lands of open space and recreation significance