My Geologist Project By: Amayrani Cifuentes
A A person who studied the Earth is a geologists
B Geologists work to understand the history of our planet. The better they can understand Earth’s history the better they can foresee how events and processes of the past might influence the future.
C Geologists conduct studies that locate rocks that contain important metals.
D Geologist find Minerals of exceptional beauty and durability some of them are called gemstones
E Earth has millions of Rocks that geologist haven’t discover.
F Fossils are part of the geologist job.
G Geologist is a person who studied the earth and it’s rock.
H Geologist say that year ago they found humans bones and think that people live back then.
I Igneous rocks come from a hot melt, sedimentary rocks from accumulation and burial of sediment, metamorphic rocks from altering other rocks by heat and pressure.
I Geologist have a hard job to do because the have to study the earth.
K Geologist have a great knowledge about our planet.
L “Fossils are signs of living things” geologist say
M The geologic time scale is based almost entirely on fossils supplemented with other dating methods.
N Minerals are natural, inorganic solids with a consistent composition are related to the geologist job.
O Organic natural substances, like petroleum or amber, are not called minerals.
P Petroleum is a source of energy and chemical feedstock's.
Q Geologist Quest to determine the exact age of the rocks.
R Geologists work in a variety of settings, These include: natural resource companies.
S Science courses are especially important but math, writing, and other disciplines are used by every geologist during every working day.
T Today we are concerned about climate change. Many geologists are working to learn about the past climates of earth and how they have changed across time.
U The processes acting upon geologist. It includes the study of organisms that have inhabited our planet.
V Some Geologist study volcano and the center of the earth.
W Some geologist study rocks but, other geologists may work with geophysicists to predict earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
Y To be come a geologist you have to studies lots of years.
Z Most geologist get zit from working underground it a type of sickness where they get a spot on the face.