OP “Regional Development” PROJECT: “Green Energy: Utilization of best practices in attracting investors and building partnerships for effective use of renewable energy in municipalities of Brezovo and Maritsa” BG161PO001/4.2-01/2008/035 The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund and state budget of the Republic of Bulgaria ЕФРР
Partners: Beneficiaries: Municipality Brezovo Partners: P1. Municipality Maritsa; P2. Province Bergamo (Italy); P3. National Association of Small and Medium Business (NASMB).
GOALS Main goal: Developing partnerships for cooperation and transfer of know-how and best practices in attracting investors in RES from the partner Province of Bergamo, Italy to the municipalities Brezovo Maritsa through interregional cooperation within the EU. Specific goals : 1.Identification, networking and establishment of lasting partnerships with local institutions, organizations and companies involved in the process of exploitation of renewable energy in Italy. 2.To create a new and innovative approach and solution in attracting investors and building a partnership in the exploitation of RES in the municipalities Maritsa and Brezovo by applying benchmarking analysis of best practice from Italy.
Target groups 1. The mayors of Brezovo and Maritsa Municipalities; 2. The Municipal Councils of Brezovo and Maritsa Municipalities; 3. The Municipal administrations of Brezovo and Maritsa Municipalities; 4. The citizens of Brezovo and Maritsa Municipalities; 5. The Municipalities of South Central Region Planning; 6. Private businesses and business organization of the Plovdiv region ; 7. Private businesses and business organization of Province of Bergamo, Italy;
Activities Work package 1. Project managment Work package 2. Benchmarking study of best practices in attracting investors and creating partnerships in the exploitation of renewable energies in Italy Work package 3. Implementation of best practices from Italy in municipalities Brezovo and Maritsa to attract investors and create partnerships in the operation of RES Work package 4. Pilot campaign to attract investors Work package 5. Dissemination of activities and valorisation of project results
Work package 2: Benchmarking study of best practices in attracting investors and creating partnerships in the exploitation of renewable energies in Italy Activity 2.1. Study of the legal framework - conditions for setting up industrial complexes of RES in Bulgaria - sectoral analysis ; Activity 2.2. Study and analysis of RES potential in Brezovo end Maritsa; Activity 2.3. National report on the conditions and overall situation in the use of renewable energy in Italy; Activity 2.4. Study of best practices in the exploitation of renewable energy in Italy ; Activity 2.5. Preparation of the plan, methodology and questionnaires for benchmarking field study in Italy benchmarking ; Activity 2.6. Field study in Italy and final phase of study benchmarking;
Work package 3. Implementation of best practices from Italy in municipalities Brezovo and Maritsa to attract investors and create partnerships in the operation of RES Activity 3.1. Preparation of a package of measures to encourage investment in the exploitation of RES; Activity 3.2. Preparation of content and print of brochure with best practices in attracting investors and building partnerships in the production of renewable energy in Italy; Activity 3.3. Standard business plans to build production facilities of various renewable; Activity 3.4. Elaboration of a conceptual type investment projects for construction of industrial complexes of different RES;
Work package 4. Pilot campaign to attract investors Activity 4.1. Preparation and printing of the brochure in Bulgarian and English for RES investment opportunities in the region of Brezovo and Maritsa municipalities; Activity 4.2. Identification of potential investors and making contact with them; Activity 4.3. Seminar on the possibilities and limitations of investing in RES in the region of Brezovo and Maritsa municipalities; Activity 4.4. Weekly consultations by experts from the partner country- Italy on the problems; Activity 4.5. study visits in Italy - potential investors and people from local government Brezovo and Maritsa;
Work package 5. Dissemination of activities and valorisation of project results Activity 5.1. Press conferences; Activity 5.2. Logos, brochures, banner, visualization; Activity 5.3. Interviews, articles and advertisements in mass media and Internet ; Activity 5.4. Create a section in English on the websites of municipalities Brezovo and Maritsa and publish the results and products of the project ; Activity 5.5. Preparing and conducting one-day national conference on the problems and opportunities for investment in energy production and renewable fuels; Activity 5.6. Signing of Agreement for IMC to stimulate investment in renewable energy use;
Project Budget: lv. Aid intensity : 100% Grant. Duration : 12 months.
OP “Regional Development” Invest in your future! The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund and state budget of the Republic of Bulgaria