Star-nosed Moles By: Michael Cotter
Table of Contents Pg. 3 – who are they? Pg. 4 – what’s the difference? Pg. 5 – what happened? Pg. 6 – where they live! Pg. 7 - what’s next? Pg. 8 - about them! Pg. 9 – five bolded words! Pg. 10– bibliography!
Who are they? Today, I will talk about a type of mole that is called the “star-nosed mole”. Star-nosed moles are very fascinating. From my research, I found out that they eat fish,worms, worm larva, small invertebrates,aquatic insects,and mollusks. They live in North America,Eastern Canada,north-eastern United States,south-eastern Georgia,along the Atlantic coast,and in wet low lands. The star-nosed moles may be ugly, but they are amazing! 3
What’s the difference? Can you tell the difference? The top is a star-nosed mole and the bottom is a Common mole. For example, there the same because their mammals and their family is talpidae. The way that their different is that the star-nosed mole has a star-like nose but the mole doesn’t. Another way how their different is that the star-nosed mole can swim in water. 4
What happened? What made them able to eat fish? Their able to eat fish because they can swim. What made them able to devour food so fast? Their able to devour food so fast because they have very sensitive fellers. What made them able to find food in the water? Their able find food in the water because they blow bubbles and suck them back in to get the scent. 5
This is a map of where star-nosed moles live. where they live!
What’s next? How does a star-nosed mole find food in the ground? First, they dig into the ground. Next, they feel and smell around their burrow. After they find the prey, they eat the food in about 21 milli-seconds. How does a star-nosed mole find its food in the water? First, they go in the water. Next, they exhale out to blow a bubble and inhale to get the scent, and eat the prey.
Summary I put a lot of effort into my research on the star-nosed mole. I researched what they eat, where they live, how their different from common moles, how they did things, how they smell underwater, and how fast they can eat.
Five bolded words! Fascinating- something that is interesting. Sensitive- great touch. Research- to study something. Common- often. Burrow- A hole or tunnel.
Bibliography! Wikipedia - moles Public Broadcasting Station- beauty-of- ugly/star-nosed-moles/4281 North American Wildlife Susan J. Wernert the readers digest inc.