Ministry of Health Health Environment Management Agency Report of TWG on Health Environment Management Hanoi, 11/2014 1
MOH VIHEMA Outlines 1. Introduction 2. Outcomes 3.Advantages and disadvantages. 2
. TWG on health environment management – a technical group working in the framework of HPG - was established in April Objectives: provide support to make and implement policies on health environment management of Vietnam and to strengthen/maximize the efficiency of financial resources. 3 Part 1. TWG on health invironment management Working group of rural sanitation
Head of this group : Director of VIHEMA Members: representatives of relevant Depts/Administration of MARD, MOET, Women Union, VBSP, Institutes, Donors and NGOs (DANIDA, DFAT, Hà Lan, DFID, WB, UNICEF, WHO, ADB, Unilever, iDE, PLAN, SNV, EMW, Child Fund, World Vision, WTO…). : 53 members in total Other companies invited 4 Part 1. TWG on health invironment management Working group of rural sanitation
Task: to propose activitites, plans, priorities, technical solution to raise awareness/change behaviour of personal hygiene, enviroment sanitation to quickly increase coverage of HVS Working group is under direction of VIHEMA and supported by Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Partnership (MARD). Tasks of members and other regulation are set by Head of working group Budget: mobilized from donors by RWSSP 5 Part 1. TWG on health invironment management Working group of rural sanitation
Quarterly meeting on specific topics initiated by members that need Head of group’s approval. The Plan and its content will be decided by VIHEMA Main areas: Develop policies on sanitation Develop plan, oversight activities and evaluation Experience to make effective assess to community Sanitation techniques Communications to change behaviours PPP 6 Part 2: Outcomes
Highly appreciated by DPs and other ministries. Contributed to the adoption of a lot of documents and policies on sanitation. For ex: NTP 3 including the component on health sanitation. Sanitation promotion experiences from NGOs have been put into policies: CLTS, sanitation promotion, etc Recent meetings quarter II & III to discuss the development of Sanitation Promotion Plan 2016 – 2025 with orientation to Part 2. Outcomes (cont)
Advantages: great supports provided from Ministries, relevant agencies TO maintain on-going activities, keep on implementing sanitation program supported by WB Donors maintain their financial support for Rural Sanitation Program (2016 – 2025). 8 Part 3: Advantages and Disadvantages
Disadvantages The Working group of Sanitation is just a forum to share and exchange experience and support relevant parties to implement their tasks. A mechanism to effectively coordinate activities and avoid overlapping has not been set up Low coverage of HVS, diffrent objectives set by : MDGs, hunger elimination, enviroment protection, personal hygiene, etc, leading to diffrent supporting plans. Limited human resources 9 Part 3: Advantages and Disadvantages
Thank you 10