for Goal-Driven Business Process Modeling Saeed A.Behnam, Daniel Amyot, Gunter Mussbacher SITE, University of Ottawa 1
Motivation There is a gap between business goals and business processes Difficulties in modeling requirements in the form of goal models Difficulties in creating business processes that realize the goals 2
Objectives Facilitate creating business goal models with business process models that realize them Reuse recurring solutions for recurring problems in the domain 3
Proposed Solution Patterns that capture the knowledge of domain A framework that includes a collection of patterns for a particular domain User Requirements Notation (URN) is a standard language for elicitation, analysis, specification and validation of requirements using a combination of goal-oriented and scenario-based modeling 4
User Requirements Notation (URN) 5 Goal-oriented Requirement Language (GRL) enables: Modeling of stakeholders, goals, requirements, alternatives and rationales Understanding the problems that ought to be solved Use Case Map (UCM) enables: Modeling of causal scenarios Organizing complex models in hierarchical structures
Patient Safety Domain Adverse events are undesirable patient outcomes caused by medical care rather than the underlying disease Focusing on hospital patients, Canadian studies estimate that one in twelve patients experiences an adverse event 9250 to deaths from adverse events in 2000 could have been prevented in Canada 6
Components of Pattern-Based Framework Processes Framework Establishment Process Customization and Extraction Process Structure Framework Metamodel: A URN profile 7
Establishing Framework – Steps 8 Observe and analyze goals that define the problem Create Goal Templates that capture recurring excerpts of goal graphs Observe and analyze process models that realize goals Identify a set of strategies to address the problem Create Business Process Templates that capture the behavioral and structural details of strategies Create Patterns, each composed of a Goal Template and corresponding Business Process Templates
Establishing a Framework 9 Collect Data Increase Quality of Care in Long Term «external» Decrease Costs «external» Deploy Advanced Infrastructure «external» Goal Template Increase Patient Safety «main» Generate Informative Outcome Information Make Safety Decision Adopt Decision Increase Quality of Care in Long Term «external» Decrease Costs «external» Deploy Advanced Infrastructure «external» Goal Template Increase Patient Safety «main» Generate Informative Outcome Information Collect Data Make Safety Decision Adopt Decision A A B B B B Making Safety Decision Adopting Decision Business Process Template Collecting Data Generating Informative Outcome Information Business Process Template Collecting Data Generating Informative Outcome Information A B Increase Quality of Care in Long Term «external» Decrease Costs «external» Deploy Advanced Infrastructure «external» Increase Patient Safety «main» A A AB B B B B
Establishing Framework-cont 10 Business Process Template Increase Quality of Care in Long Term «external» Goal Template Collect Data «main» Collect Outcome Data Collecting Outcome Data Business Process Template C C E E D E Collect Process Data Collecting Process Data Business Process Template D Collecting Outcome Data Collecting Process Data Increase Quality of Care in Long Term «external» Collect Data «main» C C D DEE E
Customization and Extraction 11 After a framework is established it can be used by organizations within the domain in order to: Create goal models and business process models Take advantage of available knowledge in the framework
12 Customization and Extraction Organizational Goal Model Healthcare Institute A Increase Patient Safety (100) Increase Quality of Care (100) Decrease Costs (25) Support Research on Adverse Events (20) Implement Advanced Infrastructure -75 Making Safety Decision Adopting Decision Business Process Template Collecting Data Generating Informative Outcome Information Deploy Advanced Infrastructure «external» Goal Template Generate Informative Outcome Information Collect Data Make Safety Decision Adopt Decision Increase Quality of Care in Long Term «external» Decrease Costs «external» Increase Patient Safety «main» Collecting Data Generating Informative Outcome Information Business Process Template Deploy Advanced Infrastructure «external» Goal Template Generate Informative Outcome Information Collect Data Make Safety Decision Adopt Decision Increase Quality of Care in Long Term «external» Decrease Costs «external» Increase Patient Safety «main» * Organizational Goal Model Healthcare Institute A Increase Patient Safety (100) Increase Quality of Care (100) Decrease Costs (25) Support Research on Adverse Events (20) Implement Advanced Infrastructure * * Deploy Advanced Infrastructure «external» Goal Template Generate Informative Outcome Information Collect Data Make Safety Decision Adopt Decision Increase Quality of Care in Long Term «external» Decrease Costs «external» Increase Patient Safety «main» * Organizational Goal Model Healthcare Institute A Increase Patient Safety (100) Increase Quality of Care (100) Decrease Costs (25) Support Research on Adverse Events (20) Implement Advanced Infrastructure * * Increase Patient Safety «realization link» AB
Framework Metamodel 13 The Framework Metamodel lays down the structure for frameworks The concepts in the framework are formalized with a URN profile URN already includes all necessary concepts for the suggested framework
Framework Metamodel 14
Conclusion 15 The framework proposes a solution to address the mentioned gap between goals and business processes by: Capturing the knowledge in the domain Designing business processes that better satisfy the goals and requirements of stakeholders Increasing the reusability of recurring solutions Taking advantage of the URN language, its notations and its tool support
Future Work 16 Using more processes from different hospitals will improve the framework Evolution mechanisms will improve the framework when changes happen in the domain
Questions 17