Targeting and Outreach S. No.IndicatorUnit Appraisal Target No. of Poor Outreach% Progress 5 Years8 Years & Very Poor 5 Years targets 8 Years targets A. Village targeted Village PhouvongVillage SaysetthaVillage XansaiVillage B. Families targeted Families 3,2554,6504,1854, PhouvongFamilies 8401,2001,3611, SaysetthaFamilies ,3571, XansaiFamilies 1,9252,7501,4671,
Impact Assessment The programme’s impact assessment survey carried out in 15 sample villages, 5 from each district and 30 households per village. This exercise is the second of its kind carried out by the M&E unit to determine the “trends of the change” of the target groups over the years of the programme. The M&E unit has selected only three of the five impact domains (categories) for the benefit analysis. They are: Food Security and Agricultural Productivity; Family Income and Assets; and Social Capital and Empowerment
Targeting Criteria for selection of Village: 30% or more of the households are classified as poor Initially total target 76 villages –22 villages in Phouvong district –17 villages in Saysettha district –37 villages in Xansai district
1. Impact in Food Security & Productivity Graph 1: % change in Crop Production
1. Impact in Food Security & Productivity (cont.) Graph 2: % Change in Orchard
1. Impact in Food Security & Productivity (cont.) Graph 3: % change in Livestock
1. Impact in Food Security & Productivity (cont.) Graph 4: % change in food security
1. Impact in Food Security & Productivity (cont.) Graph 4: % change in food security
1. Impact in Food Security & Productivity (cont.)
2. Family Income & Asset (cont.) Graph 6: % change in land ownership
2. Family Income & Asset (cont.) Graph 7: % change in household income
2. Family Income & Asset (cont.) Graph 8: % change in household expenditure
3. Social Capital & Empowerment Graph 9: % change in education
3. Social Capital & Empowerment (cont.) Graph 10: % change in health care
3. Social Capital & Empowerment (cont.)