GEO European Project Workshop, 3-4 September Europe’s contribution to GEO Joint Research Centre perspective Alessandro Annoni European Commission DG Joint Research Centre Institute for Environment and Sustainability Spatial Data Infrastructures Unit
GEO European Project Workshop, 3-4 September Our Structure: 7 Institutes in 5 Member States IRMM - Geel, Belgium Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements ITU - Karlsruhe, Germany Institute for Transuranium Elements IE - Petten, The Netherlands – Ispra, Italy Institute for Energy IPSC - Ispra, Italy Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen IES - Ispra, Italy Institute for Environment and Sustainability IHCP - Ispra, Italy Institute for Health and Consumer Protection IPTS - Seville, Spain Institute for Prospective Technological Studies
GEO European Project Workshop, 3-4 September The Mission of the Joint Research Centre … is to provide customer-driven scientific and technical support for the conception, development, implementation and monitoring of EU policies. As a service of the European Commission, the JRC functions as a reference centre of science and technology for the Union. Close to the policy-making process, it serves the common interest of the Member States, while being independent of special interests, whether private or national.
GEO European Project Workshop, 3-4 September Implementing the JRC Mission in the Policy Cycle Compliance checks Independent verification Anti-fraud measures Policy implementation Expert advice Policy formulation Decision-making process Selection of programme options Policy adoption Effectiveness and impact assessment Policy evaluation Crisis response Ad-hoc policy support JRC Agenda-setting Identification of emerging issues Policy anticipation
GEO European Project Workshop, 3-4 September Environment and Prosperity Environmental Information – INSPIRE Sustainable Transport Life Cycle Assessment Responding to Mega Policy Themes
GEO European Project Workshop, 3-4 September Environment and Solidarity Marine Environment Water Quality Agri-environment Soil and Forest Data Centres Greenhouse Gas Inventories Responding to Mega Policy Themes
GEO European Project Workshop, 3-4 September Environment and Security Environmental Pollution Radioactivity Monitoring Environment and Health Floods & Droughts Forest Fires Responding to Mega Policy Themes
GEO European Project Workshop, 3-4 September Climate Change The Global perspective GMES Deforestation Desertification Support to Africa Responding to Mega Policy Themes
GEO European Project Workshop, 3-4 September Technical Infrastructures for Environmental Research Vehicle Emission Laboratories (VELA 1-7) European Reference Laboratory for Air Pollution (ERLAP) High Performance Analytical Laboratories, incl. 3 Mobile Labs EMEP/GAW Super Site (Climate Monitoring) at the JRC Ispra Greenhouse Gas Flux Measurement Towers San Rossore and Parco del Ticino Marine measurement stations in the Adriatic and Baltic Sea
GEO European Project Workshop, 3-4 September INSPIRE European Geoportal Water Information System for Europe (WISE) European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS) European Flood Alert System (EFAS) WMO World Data Centre for Aerosols Radioactivity Environmental Monitoring Database (REM) European Soil Database Global Land Cover 2000 Database Image2000/2006 view service Key Information Systems and Databases
GEO European Project Workshop, 3-4 September Mapping FP7 JRC Actions and GMES Services Marine FISHREG (Scientific and Technical Support to the Common Fisheries Policy) MASURE (Maritime Surveillance) PROCAS (Protection and Conservation of European Seas) SOLO (Systematic Observations of Land and Oceans) GMES FAST TRACK CORE SERVICESOTHERS Key examples – non exhaustive Data Data Access INSPIRE (Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe) CID (Community Image Data Portal) COSIN-JRC (Community Spatial Information Infrastructure) Atmosphere GAPCC (Global Air Pollution and Climate Change) AIRMODE (Air Quality and Transport Modelling) GHG - AFOLU (Greenhouse Gases in Agriculture, Forestry and other Land Uses) ICPA-EEI (Integrated Climate Policy Assessment: Emissions and Environmental Impacts) Emergency CRITECH (Crisis Monitoring and Response Technologies) ISFEREA (Information Support for Effective and Rapid External Action) FLOODS (Floods: Prediction, Mitigation, Impact Assessment) FOREST (Monitoring the Forests in Europe) MAHB (Risk analysis for Industrial Accidents and Natural Disasters) Security ISFEREA (Information Support for Effective and Rapid External Action) CriTech (Crisis Monitoring and Response Technologies) BorSec (Border Security) FOODSEC (Food Security Assessment) TREES-3 (Global Forest Resource Monitoring) MASURE (Maritime Surveillance) Land European Level FOREST (Forest Data and Information Systems) SOIL (Soil Data and Information Systems) ENSURE (Environmental Assessment of European Waste and the Sustainable Use of Resources) AGRI4CAST (Crop/Production Forecasts/Estimates and Climate Change Impact on Agriculture) Global Level SOLO (Systematic Observations of Land and Oceans) MONDE (Monitoring Natural Resources for Development) TREES-3 (Global Forest Resource Monitoring)
GEO European Project Workshop, 3-4 September JRC contribution to GEO/GEOSS JRC been active in GEO and GEOSS since its beginning JRC heavily committed to GEO through its participation to GEOSS Committees and Task Forces co-chair of the Architecture and Data Committee and the User Interface Committee active member in Science and Technology Committee, IOCTF, Data Sharing TF, T3,… JRC participates in GEOSS tasks –Through institutional actions and activities INSPIRE, MONDE, TREES-3, SOLO, PROCAS, AGRI4CAST, SOIL, FOREST,.. –Through participation in FP7 European Projects AEGOS, EuroGEOSS, GIGAS, DEVCoast, GEOLAND2, e-SOTER, EBONE, …
GEO European Project Workshop, 3-4 September JRC is the Technical Coordinator of the INSPIRE Directive The INSPIRE Directive lays down general rules to establish an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe for the purposes of Community environmental policies and policies or activities which may have an impact on the environment This infrastructure shall build upon infrastructures for spatial information established and operated by the Member States.This infrastructure shall build upon infrastructures for spatial information established and operated by the Member States. Which data/services? –Existing spatial data held by or on behalf of a public authority operating down to the lowest level of government when laws or regulations require their collection or dissemination.
GEO European Project Workshop, 3-4 September INSPIRE Components 1. Metadata 2. Interoperability of spatial data sets and services 3. Network services (discovery, view, download, invoke) –Made available trough the European geo-portal 4. Data and Service sharing (policy) 5. Coordination and measures for Monitoring and Reporting for GEO data sharing implementing guidelines relevant for the GEO Common Infrastructure (CGI)
GEO European Project Workshop, 3-4 September JRC participation to the GEO work plan Tasks (different levels: co-leader, contributor, observer) Task to which we are already contributing –AR-09-01: GEOSS Common Infrastructure (GCI) –CB-06-04: GEONETCast –DA-09-01: Data Management –AR-09-02: Connecting Observation Systems for GEOSS –DA-09-03: Global Data Sets –DA-09-04: Socio-Economic Indicators –DA-09-05: Global Carbon Observation and Analysis System –CB-09-03: Building Institutional Capacity to Use Earth Observations –CL-06-01: Sustained Reprocessing and Reanalysis of Climate Data –EC-09-01: Ecosystem Observation and Monitoring Network (GEO EcoNet) –AG-07-03: Global Agricultural Monitoring –AG-06-02: Data Utilization in Fisheries and Aquaculture –BI-07-01: Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON) Other tasks of future interest –DI-09-03: Warning Systems for Disasters –HE-09-02: Monitoring and Prediction Systems for Health –EN-07-02: Energy Environmental Impact Monitoring –CL-09-01: Environmental Information for Decision-making, Risk Management and Adaptation –WA-06-02: Droughts, Floods and Water Resource Management –WA-08-01: Integrated Products for Water Resource Management and Research –EC-09-02: Human Dimension of Ecosystem Utilization and Conservation
GEO European Project Workshop, 3-4 September Conclusions JRC contribution to GEOSS is increasing as well as the number of Units directly involved in GEO Tasks Some FP7 projects are particularly important - to foster cross-thematic integration (e.g. EuroGEOSS) - to identify and address interoperability problem (e.g. GIGAS) - to improve earth observation capacities (e.g. EBONE) - to design new infrastructures and capacity building (e.g. AEGOS) - to provide access to environmental information (e.g. e-SOTER).. EU Best Practices and Specifications can be offered to support the development of GEOSS Synchronization, exploitation of synergies and expressing EU requirements and interests remain key challenges for JRC
GEO European Project Workshop, 3-4 September Thank you!