Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Research and Innovation The indicator of innovation output 1 Román Arjona Pierre.


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Presentation transcript:

Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Research and Innovation The indicator of innovation output 1 Román Arjona Pierre Vigier ERAC 12 December 2013

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation ERAC Brussels, 12 December 2013 Mandate Europe 2020 Innovation Union – 34.b European Council – 2011, 2012, 2013  2014: debate on Europe 2020  24 October 2013: 'As requested, the Commission recently proposed a single Indicator of Innovation Output which should allow for better monitoring.' 2

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation ERAC Brussels, 12 December 2013 The indicator Simple and robust Zooming in on output Useful for policy With fast-growth dynamics Building up on previous work Giving a meaningful league table 3

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation ERAC Brussels, 12 December 2013 Zooming in on four policy axes 1.Growth via technology – patents 2.Jobs – knowledge intensive employment 3.Long-term global competitiveness – trade in mid/high-tech commodities 4.Future business opportunities - jobs in innovative fast-growing firms 4

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation ERAC Brussels, 12 December 2013 Results

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation ERAC Brussels, 12 December 2013 Roadmap for 2014 release 7 January MS deadline to send fast- growing firms data to Eurostat January Eurostat validation for DYN February refinements and analyses March release (2012 scores), with IUC country profiles 6

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation ERAC Brussels, 12 December PCT patents per GDP Objective pursuedMonitors what? Growth via new markets Sound innovation chain Efficient and affordable IPR Business environment How knowledge leads to innovations Smart specialisation

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation ERAC Brussels, 12 December Business employment in KIA Objective pursuedMonitors what? Knowledge jobs Highly-skilled labour force Consistent policy mix Matching skills and market needs Wide focus on new markets

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation ERAC Brussels, 12 December Objective pursuedMonitors what? Long-term global competitiveness Innovations, in global markets Gains in the global value chain Quality and productivity Growth of employment, export share and turnover at firm level Global knowledge competitiveness

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation ERAC Brussels, 12 December Dynamics of fast-growing firms Objective pursuedMonitors what? Fast-growing innovative firms Growth potential Capacity for structural change Business environment

Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation ERAC Brussels, 12 December 2013 Human Capital Country Resilience Capacity Rating Global Competitiveness Global Innovation Global Talent Competitiveness Index Multidimensional Poverty Assessment Human Development Index European Systemic Risk Board - Country heat maps International statistical standards

Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Thank you 12