Global guidance on environmental life cycle impact assessment indicators Flagship project of the 3 rd phase of the UNEP-SETAC Life Cycle Initiative Olivier Jolliet, Rolf Frischknecht SETAC Glasgow 2013
Tentative list of selected impact categories and their relationship/relevance to endpoints (high***,intermediate**,lower* relevance. In red:endpoints to be represented in priority) PriorityImpact category Human health BiodiversityResources / ecosystem services cross- cutting 1Global warming*** * 1Respiratory inorganics (incl. PM indoors)**** 1Land use (Focus on land occupation impacts on biodiversity) **** 1Water use (Starting with midpoint proxy)*** 2Human toxicity (incl. indoor)** 2Acidification, eutrophication and ecotoxicity ** starting with terrestrial acid. and freshwater eutr. * 2Energy resources** Integration, normalization & weighting
Feedback from stakeholder workshop in Indonesia, June 2013 Organised by Shabbir Gheewala, and held at the LCA AgriFood Asia Conference, in Bogor, Indonesia, June 24-26, 2013 Main feedback: −Priority setting is considered appropriate by a majority of respondents −a few suggest to prioritise differently e.g., respiratory inorganics priority 2, energy resources and eutrophication priority 1, −food security and scarcity considered additional safeguard subject −safeguard subjects “biodiversity” and “resources/ecosystem services” is questioned, rather use “ecosystem health” and “resources” and classify “biodiversity” and “ecosystem services” under “ecosystem health” −other impact categories suggested: “ozone depletion”, “invasive species”, “groundwater contamination by hazardous substances” −questions related to overall outcome of this flagship e.g. a globally accepted LCIA method? −consider regional impacts and involve regional researchers
Feedback from stakeholder workshop in Indonesia, June 2013 Tentative conclusions keep list of impact categories and priority setting discussion needed about overall framework of safeguard subjects be more clear about deliverable/outcome of this flagship project increase regional diversity of researchers/experts