Forensics Readiness for Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) System Reviewed by : ahlam abdullah baqazi ID:43580335
What is WBAN? Any WBAN must be: open accurate efficient
Phases needed to develop Forensic readiness system Practical Impact Assessment Phase#2 Additive Value Function Phase#3 Security Impact Level Phase#4 Forensic Readiness Secure Network Architecture
First phase: Practical Impact Assessment PIA Eavesdropping Denial of service(DOS) Authentication bypass Role bypass WBAN Base station Time Distance Confidentiality Availability Integrity
Practical Impact Assessment process Start H.W and S.W setup Attack Execution Variables measures Decision PIA data Finish Location selection yes No
Second phase: additive value function(AVF): A function to transform all collected qualitative data into quantitative data. V(X) = ∑Wm x ∑ Vm (Xm) Quantitative data to determine security impact level
Third phase: security impact level Vm(X)m Low impact level 1 Moderate impact level 2 High impact level 3
Forth phase: forensic readiness network architecture: At this phase the system will have: forensic readiness capabilities. preventive and detective mechanism Traffic monitoring Logging Logs perseveration Logs analysis Produce a report WBAN base station Capture unit Evidence storage Report
Forth phase: forensic readiness network architecture: 6 meter 5 meter Secure space 113.14286 m^2
Conclusion: The proposed forensic readiness system for WBAN will prevent security attacks to WBAN and as well helps identify the attackers.
Reference: [1] Abdul Fuad Abdul Rahman, Rabiah Ahmad and Madihah Zulfa Mohamad” Developing Forensic Readiness Secure Network Architecture for Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN)”- 2014. [2] jamil .Y.Khan and mehmet R.Yuce “wireless body area network(WBAN) for medical application” – 2010. [3] Emmanuel S.Pilli,R.C Joshi, Rajdeep Niyogi “A Generic Framework For Network Forensics” - 2010.