Warm-Up 1) Number every line in your essay. Ignore double-spaced gaps. 2) Set up a clean sheet like this: Your name Date Title of your essay CLOCKING CRITERIAReader’s Name Errors 1. Spelling Mr. J. Line 33 “litle” 2. Spelling Bill None: nice job!
CLOCKING Procedure: Pass your essay one person to the right along with the cover sheet. Write your name on the first line of the other person’s cover sheet next to the word “spelling.” SILENTLY look over the piece, checking ONLY for spelling errors. Note any errors you find with a line number on the cover sheet. DO NOT write on anyone else’s draft. Don’t try to read everything, just check for spelling errors. Pass to the next person, rinse, and repeat!
1) Spelling, incl. homophones 2) End Punctuation: double-check9) Format, including header for fragment alsoand page numbers, spacing, title 3) Quotation marks and parenthetical documentation10) Confusing language 4) Works cited format check11) Title: creative and exists, capitalized, in same format 5) Commas and semi-colons 12) GRAND FINALE: find 3 6) Pronoun-antecedent agreement errors that no-one else found! 7) Paragraphing 8) Capitalization
Proper MLA parenthetical documentation “Blah blah blah” (Johnson 23). Notice: 1) There is no comma between the author and the page #. 2) There is no “pg.” or “page,” just the number itself. 3) Period follows the citation. 4) Space between author’s name and #.
Proper MLA Works Cited Format Works Cited Cisneros, Sandra. The House on Mango Street. New York: Random House, "Essay on The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros." Associated Content Associated Content, Web. 10 Oct en Writers VI 19.4 (1994): Web. 10 Oct Lowe, Kristin. "Concept/Vocabulary Analysis of The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros." Brigham Young University, Web. 10 Oct Sanchez, Reuban. "Remembering Always to Come Back: The Child's Wished-for Escape and the Adult's Self-Empowered Return in Sandra Cisneros's House on Mango Street." Children's Literature 23 (1995): WORKS CITED IS 1) Alphabetized by author (essay title where no author name available) 2) Double-spaced 3) Indented after first line of each entry. 4) ALL articles quoted or paraphrased in the text are cited in the works cited. 5) No bullets or numbers before entries