CHAPTER V WORD MEANING Word meaning Conventionality and Motivation Main types of word meaning
Word meaning What is the meaning of ‘sesquipedalian’? Life without faith has no meaning. What do you mean by the word ‘concept’? Dark clouds mean rain.
Word meaning The relationship between language and the world concept world language
Word meaning Thought or reference (concept) Referent Symbol (object in the world) (word, sentence ) Ogden & Richards’ the semiotic triangle
Word meaning The concept looked at from this point of view is the meaning of the word. Part of the word meaning is the reference.
Conventionality and Motivation House maison 家屋 房子(fang zi) homophones: write right rite [rait]
Conventionality and Motivation what’s in a name? That which we call a rose By the other name Would smell as sweet ----- shakespeare
Conventionality and Motivation 名称本无意 此物谓玫瑰 若以他名易 香气亦相宜
Conventionality and Motivation Most English words are conventional, arbitrary symbols; consequently, there is no intrinsic relation between the sound-symbol and its sense. Motivation Motivation refers to the connection between word-symbol and its sense.
Phonetic motivation (哞哞) (喵喵) echoic words or onomatopoeic words the bow-wow or woof-woof of a dog the moo of a cow the miaow of a cat (汪汪) (哞哞) (喵喵)
the crack of a pistol shot 溪水潺潺 babble, purl 雷声隆隆 rumble, roll Phonetic motivation the bang of a door the crack of a pistol shot 溪水潺潺 babble, purl 雷声隆隆 rumble, roll
Morphological motivation The connection of meaning of the word to its form from morphological point of view readable (-able and read ) anticancer, kilogram and modernize (against, one thousand and to, cause to be)
Morphological motivation Compound words good-looking, headache, daydream Not all compounds are motivated eggplant, Indian summer, dog days (茄子,小阳春,伏天)
Semantic motivation The relationships between the literal sense and the figurative sense through associations a stony heart the hour hand the minute hand the leg of a table
Semantic motivation Her favorite dish is steak. (the container) (the thing contained) He manages to earn bread. ( the part) (the whole)
Etymological motivation The meanings of words can be explained with reference to etymological information china porcelain or ceramic ware (originally imported from China) japan a hard varnish (brought from Japan) braille from the creator Louis Braille Walkman from a trade mark
Main types of word meaning Word meaning is made up of various components which are interrelated and interdependent.
Main types of word meaning 1. Grammatical meaning 2. Lexical meaning
Main types of word meaning Grammatical meaning may be defined as the component of meaning recurrent in identical sets of individual forms of different words
Main types of word meaning 1.1 Word-class (the part of speech) 1.2 Inflectional paradigm (Nouns are declined, gradable adjectives have degrees of comparison, Verbs are conjugated)
Main types of word meaning 2. Lexical meaning Lexical meaning is identical in all the forms of the word while the grammatical meaning varies from one word-form to another; every word has a different lexical meaning, whereas the grammatical meaning is the same in identical sets of individual forms of different words.
Main types of word meaning 2.1Denotative meaning The denotative (extensional) or conceptual meaning of a word is its definition in a dictionary. chair: “it is a piece of furniture for one person to sit on, having a back and usually, four legs”.
Main types of word meaning 2.2 Connotative meaning Connotative (intentional) meaning refers to the emotional association which a word or a phrase suggests in one’s mind; female parent mother love, care, and tenderness
Main types of word meaning 2.3 Social or stylistic meaning Social meaning is that which a piece of language conveys about the social circumstances of its use. dad father parent Colloquial stylistically neutral bookish
Main types of word meaning 2.4 Affective meaning Affective meaning is concerned with the expression of feelings and attitudes of the speaker or writer. Scholar, masterpiece and generous Gang, boast and politician A B slender skinny statesman politician confidence complacency
CONCLUSION What is word meaning and how to understand the relation between a word symbol and its meaning The relation between a word symbol and its meaning in any language is mostly conventional, arbitrary. What do we mean by motivation? the difference between grammatical meaning and lexical meaning, the four main types of lexical meaning