LIFESKILLS IN ACTION Presented by Dean Tannewitz Certified Master HET Consultant.


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Presentation transcript:

LIFESKILLS IN ACTION Presented by Dean Tannewitz Certified Master HET Consultant

WELCOME to LIFESKILLS IN ACTION  Take a bookmark and identify three LIFESKILLS that are important to you at this time in your life in these areas:  Family  Work  Friends  Create a Mindmap with three arms to reflect on them in words or pictures

Session Goals  Explicit Lifelong Guidelines and LIFESKILLS instruction  Connection to Literacy  Extensions into Procedures and other locations  Center and Discussion Options  Town Hall Guidelines  Behavior Reflection  Lifelong Guidelines and LIFESKILLS Fair  Goal Setting

Procedure: Going To Australia Initiative : Place Australia icon on your desk or in the air when you need to go there. Trustworthiness : Once teacher signals permission, quietly walk to Australia. Truthfulness : Set the timer for 4 minutes. Responsibility : Choose a quiet activity such as reading a book, squeezing a ball, relaxing with an animal, or thinking. Personal Best: When the timer has gone off, fill out the “Reflection” sheet and place it in the box. Caring : Return quietly to your seat and finish your job.

While In Australia Procedures Trustworthiness: One student at a time. Cooperation: Australia is a place for silent reflection. Integrity : Treat all items with respect. Responsibility: Sit gently in the beanbag chair. Effort: Leave Australia as you found it.

Procedure: From Australia, Going Back to Your Job Integrity: Fill out “Self Reflection” and place in box. Trustworthiness : Quietly walk back to your seat. Responsibility: Continue the job you left or wait for teacher to give you a job.

LIFESKILL DISCUSSION  With your Learning Club:  Each member select a LIFESKILL that is one that is very important to you and one that is most challenging for teachers today.  Standing in a circle, take turns sharing the LIFESKILLS you’ve selected

LIFESKILL #2  With your Learning Club:  Each person select someone you know who embodies the LIFESKILLS  Stand in a circle and take turns sharing about that person  If time, discuss which LIFESKILLS our Nation’s politicians need to practice the most.

LIFESKILL #3  With your Learning Club:  Select five LIFESKILLS or Lifelong Guidelines to act out. Practice to present to others.

LIFELONG GUIDELINES  In a circle, discuss with your Learning Club, how students would benefit by truly understanding each of the Lifelong Guidelines:  At school  At home  In jobs

Town Hall or Class Meeting Procedures  Push in your chair.  Walk quietly to the circle.  Sit in listening shape.  Use Active Listening.

Uses for Class Meetings  1. To build a sense of belonging for all  2. To solve problems  3. As a “compliment circle”  4. To plan events and functions  5. To celebrate accomplishments

NO PUT DOWNS Susan Kovalik & Associates PUT DOWNS


PASS Susan Kovalik & Associates

COMPLIMENTS Susan Kovalik & Associates

PERSONAL SPACE Susan Kovalik & Associates

Send a Problem 1. On the 3x5 card, write a problem you are having in your life right now. Fold your card into fourths. Put a geometric shape in one of the corners. 2. Put your card in the center of the circle and pick up another one. 3. On the back, write a solution in one of the fourths, then put it back in the center and pick up another card. 4. When all four spaces have been filled, return the card to the owner. 5. When you get your card back, read the solutions and pick the one you like the best.

S.H.A.R.E. S ensing people's needs before they ask H elping each other out A cknowledging people's feelings R especting yourself and others E ncouraging people with compliments


LIFESKILL TARGET CARING TODAY WEEK YEAR The Center for Effective Learning ©2008

PERSONAL LIFESKILL T-CHART PLAN LIFESKILL OF _________________ DOESN’T LOOK LIKE ___________________ LOOKS LIKE ___________________ DOESN’T SOUND LIKE ___________________ SOUNDS LIKE __________________ DOESN’T FEEL LIKE ___________________ FEELS LIKE ___________________ The Center for Effective Learning ©2008

MY PERSONAL LIFESKILL PLAN Behaviors I Want to Change LIFESKILL OF ______________________  ______________________ Behaviors I Will Use LIFESKILL OF ____________________  ____________________ The Center for Effective Learning ©2008

LIFESKILL OF______________ This is the choice I made: ____________________ ____________________ This is a better choice... ____________________ ____________________ Draw a picture of the choice you made.Draw a picture of a better choice. My name is_____________________________________________________ The Center for Effective Learning ©2008

LIFESKILL OF ________ This is what I did...A better choice for next time The Center for Effective Learning ©2008

Today I did not use the LIFESKILL of ____________________ when I _____ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ A better action to take to show that I use this LIFESKILL is to __________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Name_________________________ Date_________________________ The Center for Effective Learning ©2008 Today I did not use the LIFESKILL of ____________________ when I _____ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ A better action to take to show that I use this LIFESKILL is to __________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Name_________________________ Date_________________________

My Personal LIFESKILL Plan This is what happened: ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ This is the behavior I want to change: ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ This is the action I plan to use: ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ This is how I will evaluate my plan: ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Name_______________________ Date________________________ The Center for Effective Learning ©2008

Resources  Tools for Citizenship and Life: Using the Lifelong Guidelines and LIFESKILLS in your Classroom by Sue Pearson  Character Begins at Home by Sue Pearson  The Code by Mawi Asgedom  Character Action by Mawi Asgedom