Welcome to your new class!
Hello! Hello, hello! It’s a brand new year. Filled with fun and learning, Nothing to fear. Sit back and listen, Lend me an ear, I’m your teacher for the rest of this year!
I am Mrs. Wilson
All about me! Married to Mike Wilson Mother to Kayli and Matthew Love to read, sing, hike, and travel Teaching for 7 years now …..excited to be here!
Classroom Rules Be kind to each other Be honest Listen to your teacher Follow directions quietly Raise your hand and wait before speaking
Recess 11:30-11:55
Lunch 11:55
Dismissal 3:00
This year’s subjects
Math With Mrs. Wilson Homework every night except weekends Georgia Milestones Assessment Make learning fun!
Language Arts/Reading With Mrs. Sides Read at least 30 minutes every night Georgia Milestones Assessment After Social Studies class with Mrs. Garrett
Social Studies With Mrs. Garrett After Lunch each day Georgia Milestone Assessment
Science With Mrs. Garrett Georgia Milestones Assessment After Math with Mrs. Wilson Fun, hands on experiments
Computers With Mrs. Wilson Tuesdays Classworks, Front Row, Study Island, Sumdog Class as normal
Homework Expect it Starts next week Simple and then more challenging as we learn Please do it with minimal assistance
What happens when I am absent?
When you are absent … Bring in an excuse the following day Unexcused absences may result in a zero for missed work Student helper will collect your assignments Folder is given to you to complete within the week
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