SUMMERTIME: Why it’s peak season for Outdoor September 2015
SUMMER IS THE PEAK RETAIL SPENDING TIME More is spent in summer than in any other season Source: ABS Retail Trade, Australia, Original data series Last summer was 9.4 % Higher than the average of the previous three seasons.
6.4 % 20.9 % 22.9 % RETAIL SPENDING INCREASES BY SECTOR IN SUMMER Out-of-Home is the last media influence for retail spending 2.8 % Source: ABS Retail Trade, Australia, Original data series Household Goods at $13.2 billion (up 13.0%) and Other Retailing at $10.4 billion (up 8.9%) not displayed in above, but part of retail reporting by ABS Retail spend by sector in summer 2014/15 Increase on the previous 3 seasons Groceries $30.2 billion Clothing, footwear & personal accessories $6.2 billion Department stores $5.3 billion Cafes, restaurants & takeaway food $10.1 billion
HOLIDAYS ARE PART OF SUMMER Domestic tourism will be the preferred option due to the $AUS Source: Tourism Research Australia, year ended June million Overnight trips were made in the year ended June Up 6% on the previous year. These trips involved million visitor nights (up 6%) and were worth $55.4 million to the tourism industry (up 4%).
DAY TRIPS ARE PART OF OUR HOLIDAY LIFESTYLES Make sure creative is visible to people in vehicles Source: Tourism Research Australia 169 million Day trip holidays were made in the year ended June These trips were worth $18.3 million to the tourism industry. Source: Thanks to Wikipedia Áustralia’s Big Things page for image and comment Australia has over 150 big things that have become cult icons, that are sometimes used as an excuse for road trips. Many are now heritage listed.
CHILDREN WILL FEATURE HEAVILY AGAIN THIS SUMMER Creative needs to be appropriate Source: ABS 2011 Census 3.7 million School children aged 5-17 will need entertaining during the school holidays. Then they’ll need ‘back to school’ spending.
SOCIAL/RECREATIONAL TRIPS WILL DOMINATE EACH DAY Nearly a quarter of typical daily travel is for this reason Source: NSW household Travel Survey 20 million Social/recreational trips are made every day in Australia. A place to cool off will be part of these trips. Source: ABS 2011 census Stay safe this summer and swim between the flags. There are over 3,500 Australians working as lifeguards as their main occupation.