Global Forest Observations Initiative (GFOI) Overview Frank Martin Seifert, ESA SDCG-8 Commercial Providers Day, Bonn, 23 September 2015
fostering the sustained availability and use of satellite data for forest monitoring to better manage forest resources coordinating observations CEOS (Committee on Earth Observation Satellites) has setup a Space Data Coordination Group (SDCG) Assures annual, wall-to-wall, worldwide long-term data Assists with country specific requirements assisting countries in the use of satellite data Methods & Guidance on use of satellite and ground data to estimate GHGs Capacity Building in coordination with others such as UNREDD Research & Development to address practical problems Global Forest Observation Initiative
GFOI GFOI set up by GEO – the Group on Earth Observations –94 governments, 77 international organisations Led by Australia, Norway, USA, FAO and CEOS –CEOS – Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (31 Members) –US contribution led by SilvaCarbon programme Inputs from UNFCCC, IPCC, UN-REDD and World Bank (FCPF) …
Wall-to-wall monitoring Integration of ground data and remote sensing Captures leakage Capture small changes Consistency with UNFCCC and IPCC Follow IPCC guidelines Vital for reporting REDD+ and GHGs to UNFCCC Maps 5 REDD+ categories onto IPCC methods Affordable and Practical Based on medium resolution data (10-30m) Can use higher resolution data if needed Based on widely useable methods Co-operation with Partners FAO, World Bank and others to coordinatie capacity development GOFC-GOLD IPCC and UNFCCC GFOI Principles
Space Data GFOI works with space agencies through CEOS to ensures the long- term, world-wide acquisition of core satellite data helps countries meet their individual data needs Capacity Building GFOI provides capacity building in coordination with others such as UN-REDD. It supports the use of satellite and ground data to monitor forests, and estimate GHGs. Methods and Guidance Guidance on integrating remote- sensing and ground-based observations for estimation of emissions and removals of greenhouse gases in forests. Research and Development Identifying and promoting R&D needed for practical, global implementation of National Forest Monitoring GFOI Office Coordination and Management GFOI Components
GFOI Space DataMethods & GuidanceCapacity DevelopmentR&D UN- REDD FCPF Bilateral, e.g. Australia -Kenya UNFCCC Others GFOI Components In-country implementation using GFOI products, some by GFOI partners some by other organisations
Space Data Coordination Group (SDCG) - 3 Elements: Assuring the availability of consistent time-series of optical and radar (SAR) satellite data over global forest cover. At least one annual national cloud-free optical coverage over each country. Publicly open (“core”) satellite data, phased implementation - full global coverage by Implementation of Baseline Global Data Acquisition Strategy A coordinated strategy for national data acquisitions accommodating countries’ specific technical requirements, heritage, and experience. Covers a wider range of satellite data sources, including commercial. Space Data Services Available Includes support for science studies assisting the development and evolution of the MGD for GFOI and addressing specific country needs. Data Supply in Support of GFOI R&D Activities
SDCG Country prioritisation
SDCG Data Streams - Core
Sentinel-2A launched on 23 June 2015 Data available publicly after end of commissioning phase in Oct New Core Data: Sentinel-2 290 km
Sentinel-2 in full resolution over the Amazon 13 spectral bands in VIS/NIR/SWIR Spatial resolution: 10m / 20m / 60 m Swath: 290 km 5 days revisit at the Equator (with 2 spacecrafts) Systematic coverage between 84°N and 56°S 13 spectral bands in VIS/NIR/SWIR Spatial resolution: 10m / 20m / 60 m Swath: 290 km 5 days revisit at the Equator (with 2 spacecrafts) Systematic coverage between 84°N and 56°S
Global annual ALOS-1 and ALOS-2 mosaics Backscatter HH Backscatter HV false colour composite R: HH; G: HV; B: HH/HV
SDCG Data Streams - Contributing
Space Data Management System / Data Cube Removing obstacles to country uptake of satellite data through cloud computing, storage & novel computing & database technology Countries can focus on data applications and not handling Pilot projects underway – notably the Kenya Cube in support of their NFMS. Colombia Cube will follow. New GFOI Space Data Portal for all countries is being developed.
Capacity Building In coordination with others including UNREDD, FAO and the World Bank Major effort through SilvaCarbon, other activities with Australia and Norway Tailored to meet country needs and requests Aims to build up networks of experts in countries Programmes in South America, SE Asia and Central Africa
GFOI R&D Programme Methods and Guidance only includes operational methods and approaches. Component aims to stimulate R&D on developing approaches that are not operational but could be widely available and useful R&D Workshops to discuss major topics, on-going work and how to promote further development, in cooperation with GOFC-GOLD Identifying and provision of space data to meet R&D needs is under discussion by CEOS & SDCG Identification of new approaches that can be included in future versions of the Methods and Guidance Identifying funding opportunities GOFC-GOLD: GFOI:
Methodological advice from GFOI GFOI Methods and Guidance Document published in 2013 Provides operational link between IPCC methods and all the REDD+ activities identified by UNFCCC Consistent with UNFCCC Warsaw Framework on REDD+ Coordinated UNREDD, World Bank, IPCC and GOFC-GOLD Consistent with the annual review of scientific developments provided by GOFC-GOLD Sourcebook Aimed at technical implementers, Negotiators and those responsible for REDD+ nationally Supplementary documents being produced For report and additional material see:
MGD Additional Material and Developments Relationship between GFOI, GOFC-GOLD Sourcebook, FCMC Global Datasets Improved cross-referencing with GOFC-GOLD Sourcebook Modules Capacity Needs Assessment Tool (checklist of CB needs aligned with the MGD) MGD Decision Trees (Emissions Factors, Ground Sampling, Activity Data, Uncertainty) On-line tool: MGD Portal Experience and feedback In-country use Spanish and French Translation Inventory, approach donors, application development, testing, user manual, maintenance Open Source software linked to MGDCatalogue of existing training materialsVersion 2 – revisions and updates