Chapter 27 The Planets Inner Planets TERRESTRIAL (made up of rock) Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars
Outer Planets JOVIAN (made up of gas)
Mercury Most extreme temperature range No atmosphere – very hot day and very cold night Very densely cratered – why??????
Venus Earth’s Twin – similar in size Extreme Greenhouse Effect – Lots of CO2 in atmosphere (from volcanoes) – ALWAYS HOT!!!!! Evening Star Morning Star
Earth Water Planet Only planet with Oxygen Only planet with humans and life
Mars Red planet – due to FeO2 on the surface Polar ice caps – made of frozen CO2 Mars landers – Spirit and Opportunity New lander -
Asteroid Belt Separates the Inner planets and the outer planets
Jupiter Largest planet Great Red Spot – hurricane like storm Fastest rotation Jupiter’s Moon Io has an active volcano!
Saturn Great ringed planet
Uranus Rotates completely on its side
Neptune Blue due to the presence of methane
Pluto No longer a planet A dwarf planet – too small Crossed the orbit of another planet (Neptune)