Primary Care Update CPPEG meeting 7 September 2015 Susan Achmatowicz | Director of Primary Care Working with the people of Camden to achieve the best health for all
Working with the people of Camden to achieve the best health for all Recent progress Primary Care Programme Group (PCPG) Operational group to track project delivery progress Projects include: Improving access, Over 75’s home visiting, Flu, Nursing workforce development, Co-commissioning, Estates strategy development Practice manager (Chair), nursing, patient, clinical representation. GP Federation Development Directors elected and in post from 1st Sept CCG support (project management, communications, premises) Draft delivery plan for Improving Access: Phase 1 Improving Access Co-design process underway for Phase 1 Saturday service for routine appointments South Camden Centre for Health South locality patients and practices Working with the people of Camden to achieve the best health for all
Working with the people of Camden to achieve the best health for all Recent progress CCG Primary Care team resourcing New joiners: Patrick Johnson - Project Manager Rita Carvahlo - Project Manager Saro d’Souza - Project Support Tom Huitson - Darzi Fellow Naomi Blackwell - Communications & Engagement (Oct) Leavers: Olivia Waller (secondment to CSU) Maria Clinton Recruitment campaign: Project manager + 2 Project support +1 Working with the people of Camden to achieve the best health for all
Coming up for Commissioners Communications and engagement Publication of CCG business plan, local Q&As, joint federation communications Scrutiny panel presentations (10th Sept) AGM 16th Sept Co-design workshop: 16th Sept PPG Open meeting: 12th Oct Strategy Development All CCGs to develop a local estates strategy by Dec 2015. Out of Hospital service delivery plans by Mar 2016. Primary Care Co-Commissioning NCL Primary Care Joint Committee (Oct) CCG GB to approve Terms of Reference (Sept) Final development session 16th September Working with the people of Camden to achieve the best health for all
Patient Involvement in Co-Design Improving Access: Phase 1 CPPEG to develop an approach to engage patients who represent the south locality demographic Aims/Objectives: 1. To solicit/survey their views about what needs to be built into service design to improve patient satisfaction:- Saturday opening, hours of opening South Camden Centre for Health location Routine appointment booking process, convenience Access to medical record with patient consent 2. To develop a plan for promotion of the pilot service prior to launch Ideas for reaching all south locality patients Specific targeting to working adults, and mothers & children Other cohorts of patients specifically identified by clinicians To identify what success looks like for patients & practices Working with the people of Camden to achieve the best health for all
QUESTIONS and Next Steps…. 8