23 July 2002EUROGI2 Presentation Describes –What EUROGI is –What EUROGI does, and –What EUROGI wants to do in the context of other developments in Europe
23 July 2002EUROGI3 What EUROGI is Evolution –Since its foundation in 1993 the membership of EUROGI has increased by 50 % to 25 –Two types of members National GI associations from all Europe Pan European organisations –Collectively EUROGI represents about 6000 public and private sector organisations
23 July 2002EUROGI4 Status EUROGI is – An independent non governmental organisation set up under Dutch law as a stichting –Its members are required to meet at least once a year to approve its accounts and agree its workplan –They also elect its President and a 9 person Executive Committee to manage its affairs –Its activities are serviced by a full time secretariat currently based in Apeldoorn in the Netherlands
23 July 2002EUROGI5 Resources EUROGI’s secretariat is funded through the subscriptions of its members Its members –Actively contribute to EUROGI activities –Undertake commissioned work for EUROGI –Support the costs of the President and the Executive Committee members –Second staff to work on specific projects
23 July 2002EUROGI6 Position EUROGI is –An umbrella organisation for GI within Europe In addition to its membership activities EUROGI also coordinates regular meetings of other pan European GI bodies –A regional organisation within the emerging GSDI structure
23 July 2002EUROGI7 EUROGI activities -1 Influencing key decision makers –Preparing position papers on European GI strategy –Developing an integrated GI lobbying strategy Informing the population as a whole –Maintaining its web site –Developing a GI case study service (with EuroGeographics)
23 July 2002EUROGI8 EUROGI activities - 2 Organising regular briefings for its members on EU developments Organising joint activities with its members –GSDI 1 conference (with DDGI) –GSDI 6 conference (with HUNAGI) –Cadastral workshop (with AFIGEO) Supervising specific projects –Local to Global to Local study (with IGN France) –Models of national GI associations (with Dutch Kadaster)
23 July 2002EUROGI9 EUROGI activities - 3 Organising specialist meetings –Under OGC MOU: Interoperability workshop –Under JRC MOU: Data Policy, Enlargement and Cadastral workshops –Within ETeMII project: Reference Data workshop (led by AM/FM Italia) Commissioning studies –Copyright analysis (led by RAVI) –Cadastres (led by HUNAGI)
23 July 2002EUROGI10 What EUROGI wants to do in the context of other developments in Europe To use the resources provided by the GINIE project to realise some of its strategic objectives To play an active role in INSPIRE To create a strong Advisory Board for GI for the whole of Europe
23 July 2002EUROGI11 GINIE - 1 GINIE - Geographic Information Network In Europe Partners –University of Sheffield (coordinator) –EUROGI –JRC –OGC Europe Two year project started in November 2001 Accompanying measure EU IST programme
23 July 2002EUROGI12 GINIE -2 Aim: To develop a cohesive Geographic Information Strategy at the European level Key activities: –To develop a sound knowledge base through the comparative policy analysis of frameworks for access, use, and dissemination of GI –Raise awareness and capacity building which includes targeted actions for policy-makers at national and European levels –Strategic input to INSPIRE and contributing to the international debate taking place at the GSDI 6 Conference –Establishing government and industry panels to help formulate a cohesive European Strategy for GI, and a business model to make it work.
23 July 2002EUROGI13 Main Work Packages European GI Strategy Capacity Building and Awareness Raising EC - GIS Workshop Global perspectives on GI
23 July 2002EUROGI14 European GI Strategy Key components –Input to EU Initiatives (INSPIRE) –Workshop on Data Polices in Europe (May 2002) –Workshop on Registries (Jan 2003) –Create an Advisory Board on Geographic Information
23 July 2002EUROGI15 GI capacity building and awareness Develop guidelines for national associations Workshop on capacity building in accession countries (Sept 2002) Workshop on GI in the Mediterranean countries (April 2003) Create a dynamic portfolio of case studies
23 July 2002EUROGI16 8th EC - GI workshop Title - ESDI: a work in progress Dublin 3-5 July 2002 Linked to INSPIRE meeting Presentations of outcomes of GINIE SDI and Data Policy workshops Debate on ABGI concept Discussion of outcomes of INSPIRE working groups
23 July 2002EUROGI17 Global perspectives on GI Workshop on global NSDIs (May 2002) Workshop on local to global infrastructures (March 2003) Report on international analysis of NSDI’s initiatives plus recommendations Inputs to SDI cookbook and legal and economic working groups of GSDI
23 July 2002EUROGI18 Outcomes Implementation of first stage of EUROGI GI strategy and formulation of action plan for an ABGI Increased awareness within Europe of GI strategic issues An expanded range of opportunities for EUROGI members to participate in GI strategy formulation A large number of deliverables in the form of workshop and desk study reports
23 July 2002EUROGI19 The INSPIRE initiative INfrastructure for SPatial InfoRmation in Europe (INSPIRE) aims –at making available relevant, harmonised and quality geographic information for the purpose of formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of Community policy-making. It is a legal initiative to support EU policies It is multi sectoral and multi-layered It is a framework with long term targets and step by step implementation It is a codecision process
23 July 2002EUROGI20 Structure Overall oversight - COGI Project management - INSPIRE Expert Group chaired by DG Environment Technical coordination - JRC Working groups –Common reference data and metadata - (Eurostat) –Architecture and standards (JRC) –Legal aspects and data policy (UK) –Funding and implementation structures (Sweden) –Impact analysis (Netherlands)
23 July 2002EUROGI21 Timetable December Vienna kick off expert group meeting May Madrid meeting on initial findings of working groups July Dublin meeting on draft reports of working group Oct Athens final Expert group meeting Nov Draft proposal for INSPIRE legislation Dec INSPIRE proposals adopted by Commission Development of thematic ‘daughters’ Dec Framework legislation adopted ‘Daughters’ adopted.
23 July 2002EUROGI22 Towards an Advisory Board for Geographic Information in Europe Towards an Advisory Board for Geographic Information in Europe One of the most important objectives of the GINIE project is to create an Advisory Board on Geographic Information (ABGI) for the whole of the European GI community This is regarded as a key component of a European GI Strategy which promotes and co-ordinates the use of GI in Europe for business, citizens, research, and policy- making With this in mind the GINIE consortium plans –to establish a private and a public sector panel to explore the options that are available –to develop proposals outlining the role and structure of such an organisation –to prepare a business plan for its implementation
23 July 2002EUROGI23 Role To advise and make recommendations on GI at a European wide level with particular reference to: –European GI strategy –The GI framework for Europe –Building up GI capacity throughout Europe It is proactive - it considers and offers policy And also reactive - it provides policy and advice when requested
23 July 2002EUROGI24 Structure It operates through –A permanent committee –Supported by a Secretariat –And public/private/research/thematic sector panels It has the following attributes –Inclusiveness - it includes all the key stakeholders in GI in Europe –Independence - from any government –Transparency - in terms of its composition
23 July 2002EUROGI25 Timetable July Dublin debate on basic concepts Sept Publication of a green paper outlining the need for an ABGI, its key attributes and evaluating possible models for its implementation Oct/Nov First public and private sector panel meetings Jan Initial meeting of ABGI July Publication of business plan