Quiz/Review Get out a small piece of paper and put your name on it. When the bell rings, the quiz will begin.
Question 1 What areas in New York State are at risk for flooding?
Question 2 Has a hurricane ever hit New York State?
Question 3 What should you do to prepare for a flood?
Answers 1)Low lying areas, near water. 2)Yes 3)Evacuation plan, food, money, Paperwork, stay informed.
Mt. St. Helens Largest landslide in US history May 18, °11′28″N 122°11′40″W Active stratavolcano
What is… May 18, 1980 Mt St Helens began to erupt. St. Helens is known for ash explosions and pyroclastic flows.
Pyroclastic Flow
When… May 18,1980 October 2004 a lava dome appeared. Erupted 45 times previously.
Time line March 27 steam started to vent after an earthquake. By the end of April a budge was visible. May 18 th with little warning a large earthquake, started the north slope to begin to collapse. 3.9 million cubic yards slide down slope. For 9 hours ash rose up to 16 miles into the sky.
What causes this event? This eruption and following landslide were pre-cursered by medium sized earthquakes. The Juan de Fuca plate is subducting under the North American plate. The heat from the eruption melted glaciers rapidly.
Who is affected? 57 people died 250 homes were destroyed 47 bridges washed out 185 miles of highways were destroyed The summit 9,677 ft (2,950 m) was changed to 8,365 ft (2,550 m)
Possible Warning Scientists knew with earthquake records that an eruption was possible soon. With any eruption a major slide and flow was possible. Evacuation plan Plan ahead. Always have emergency supplies, food, and water stored. Plan an evacuation route away from rivers or streams that may carry mud or debris flow.
Works Cited lens#Geologic_history lens#Geologic_history affects.htm affects.htm May18/OnThisDay1980/Days/1980Septem ber14.html May18/OnThisDay1980/Days/1980Septem ber14.html