School Site Technology Plan Magnolia Elementary School By: Longina Burroughs
Magnolia strives to provide their students with the best education possible. The staff is highly qualified and has the willingness to help each and every child that walks through its doors. Through the use of technology this vision can be made possible.
Table of Contents School Profile and Demographics Curriculum Professional Development Infrastructure, Hardware, Technical Support, and Software Funding and Budget Budget Narrative Professional Development Timeline Student Timeline Resources
School Profile and Demographics Located in Riverside, California 650 students Preschool through sixth grade 156 English Language Learners API Score 753
Curriculum Objective 1: 85% of all 5th grade students will be able to create a research paper and a power point project on the American Revolution by June, Benchmark 1.1: 85% of all 5th grade students will create a word document with a title and five paragraphs using different fonts, tabs and correct spacing by June, Benchmark 1.2: 85% of all 5th grade students will gather information about the American Revolution in a word document with citations by June, Benchmark 1.3: 85% of all 5th grade students will create a PowerPoint presentation about the American Revolution using graphics, sounds, and animation by June, 2009.
Professional Development Objective 1: All fifth grade teachers will be trained and proficient in Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, and researching, using the internet by June, Benchmark 1.1: All fifth grade teachers will be trained on how to use Microsoft Word by June, Benchmark 1.2: All fifth grade teachers will be trained on how to use the internet the most effectively to teach students how to research by June, Benchmark 1.3: All fifth grade teachers will be trained on how to use Microsoft PowerPoint by June, 2009.
Infrastructure, Hardware, Technical Support, and Software To ensure our goals are met several items need to be purchased. 5 more student computers in the library Microsoft PowerPoint and Word on every computer High speed internet On and off site technology support
Funding and Budget Major Object of Expenditure Categories Total Funds by Object Expenditure Certificated Personnel Salaries $55, Classified Personnel Salaries $27, Employee Benefits $42, Books and Supplies $51, Services and Other Operating Expenditures $19, Indirect Costs at an Established Rate (excluding the category) $13, Capital Outlay $0.00 Total Funds $195,000.00
Budget Narrative Certificated Personnel Salaries $55, Three teachers at 30% of the time. Longina Burroughs Shoshana Goren Deana MarkerMorse
Classified Personnel Salaries $27,498 Part time computer Lab Aide. Becky Johnston
Books and Supplies $51, Laptop Computers Desktop Computers Software Printing Materials Training Manuals Robert Cmelak
Services and Other Operating Expenditures $19,000 Technology Conferences Technical Support Professional Development Longina Burroughs Shoshana Goren Deana MarkerMorse On and Off site Tech support
Professional Development Timeline
Student Timeline June, 2009 – 85% of 5 th grade students will be able to create a PowerPoint Presentation Benchmark Dates – December, 2008 and March, 2009 Completion Date – June, % of all students will be able to gather information and create a word document with citations. Benchmark Dates – December, 2007 and March, 2008 Completion Date – June, % of all 5 th grade students will be able to create a word document using fonts, tabs, and correct spacing Benchmark Dates – December, 2006 and March, 2007 Completion Date – June, 2007
WH = with help I = Introduce D = Develop IU = Independent User Internet456 Technology research tools. Students use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources. 1. Copy and paste information from the internet into a word document. I WH DIU 2. Evaluate what information is accurate. I WH DIU 3. Navigates by clicking on links on web pages. I WH DIU 4. Launches a browser and uses the tool bar. I WH DIU
WH = with help I = Introduce D = Develop IU = Independent User Presentation Tools456 Technology productivity tools. Students use technology to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity. 1. Applies designs, backgrounds, font styles, and colors for all slides. I WH DIU 2. Plans and storyboards ideas for presentation (AppleWorks and PowerPoint). I WH DIU 3. Saves slide show in folder with pictures and as stand-alone slide show. I WH DIU
WH = with help I = Introduce D = Develop IU = Independent User Basic Computer/Technology Use456 Basic operations and concepts. Students are proficient in the use of technology. 1. Uses word processor for first and final drafts. I WH DIU 2. Works with windows, icons, and menus. I WH DIU 3. Works independently or in pairs on computer. I WH DIU
Conclusion Through the help of everyone, technology can and will be incorporated into education. Technology will help improve the quality of education but everyone will have to work hard. Timelines will need to be met in order to reach the highest success. Money will need to be allocated to the right places to ensure achievement.
Resources Pre K – 12 Technology Scope and Sequence. Magnolia Elementary Riverside Unified School District California State Content Standards DataQuest