5 th Grade Decoding/ Word Attack Silent Letters Lesson 23
Look at these words: whistle assign kneel
Look at these words: whistle assign kneel Did you notice that in the words above the letter that is underlined is silent? In some words, some consonants are silent.
With your partner, read each of the words below. Identify the silent consonant(s) and decide where it belongs in the chart below. science, crumb, lightning, numb, fighting, knead, autumn, know, column, scenery Silent Letters in Consonant Pairs silent csilent ghsilent ksilent bsilent n science lightning knead crumb autumn scenery fighting know numb column
Independent Practice With your partner look through your science or social studies book for three other examples of words with silent consonants. Take turns saying the words. While one partner speaks, the other partner tells which letter or letters are silent and writes the word correctly on a sheet of paper. When you are finished, have your partner check your paper.