Justin Easton: Reading/LA Yvette Foster: Science/SS Sarah Quinn: Math Nancy Mecklenburg: Math Joy Moore: Science Janelle Steves: Reading/LA/SS Erin Zimmerman: Reading/LA/SS Allison Medina: 5th Grade Bilingual
Spiral- Notes/examples, will go home every day Math Books – stay at school Quizzes every week to 7 days- based on homework Major tests once we finish a topic. Homework every night!!! SHOW ALL WORK!!! Students may use Pen this year in math!!! ALL WORK MUST BE SHOWN! Answers only will NOT be accepted!
Reading Log began this week, September 8; no parent signature is required; students must read 30+ minutes per day Reader’s Workshop with an interactive student notebook (BINDER) Reading strategies- All reading adults use these strategies in order to understand, so they are part of the grade. Major research project-Last Quarter of the school year. We do a word study, not spelling Parent resources are on the katyisd website
Writing and Language Arts will be integrated through Reading and is not a separate block, although they are separate on the report card! Library every other week Quizzes- unannounced Grammar and Conventions Writing in different genres, goes with reading Major Research Project
Note taking skills Hands on investigations Notebook assignments (classwork) Daily Science Review STAAR Science Practice Study Guides Vocabulary Development Science Projects Tests and Quizzes (every 2 weeks) Homework (2 times per week)
Curriculum covers 400+ years. Will be integrated with other subjects when possible. Students will use an Interactive Student Notebook (ISN) and will be kept at school There is no SS homework
PE – 2 days- wear tennis shoes!! Art- 1 day Music- 1 day Friday- rotation day
Lunches!!!! 5 th Grade lunches start at 11:00 am * 10:00 am on Early Dismissal
Required! Must have every day Students copy assignments in every subject from each teacher’s homework board- teachers will put a or their initials to show the students wrote it down correctly. Please review assignments written in tracker with your child** if they say, “I finished that”, PLEASE ask to see it! Teacher will put time on tracker for RR break If you still need to purchase a tracker, they are $3.00
They need to talk to each teacher regarding what they missed and when/how they can make it up. If your child will be out for more than 1 day, you can call the front office by 9:00 am to ask for make up work. You may pick it up by 3:00, or have it sent home with another child. We can not send home work for an absence ahead of time.
Student council ◦ Must maintain above a 70 average and have satisfactory behavior. ◦ Applications due Friday, September 12. Safety patrol- must be car rider or walker/YMCA and have passing grades and good conduct Recycling Kindergarten helpers on field day 5 th grade end of year parties Shark Jam activities Field trip Young Men on a Mission and Young Ladies Who Shine
Children’s Museum Night: September 25 th 6 p.m. Picture Day: October 15 th 80s Family Night: October 17th
Forms went home in Tuesday folders. Testing will determine eligibility for GT services for the school year.
STAAR Math: March 30th STAAR Reading: March 31st STAAR Science: April 22 rd
Students will always be: Safe Respectful Responsible
Will come home every Tuesday for a parent signature (no initials please) Students will earn a “shark smile” for getting card signed and returned Wednesday If you have questions about the card, please write a separate note or the teacher An office referral will be recorded as an “N” in self discipline Shark jam sessions based on homework marks and/or conduct. Loss of card is a U in organization
A summary of your child’s strengths/weaknesses in each subject and behavior will come after the 1 st nine weeks. Please review the comments made with your child. If you feel you need to discuss your child in a personal or phone conference after reviewing the information, you may return the form to set up a time.
Our conference time is 2:30-3:20. If you contact us, please realize we are teaching until 2:30 and may not get your before then. is the best and quickest way to get in touch with us: joylmoore yvetterfoster sarahmquinnnancykmecklenburg erinezimmermanjanellersteves