It Addresses Priorities The US and Canada have common scientific, economic and strategic interests in arctic observing: marine and air transportation safety, operational weather forecasting, climate monitoring, space weather, and more. Cooperation on PCW fulfills the intent of bilateral agreements between Canada and US; Current collaborations between US and Canadian scientists on PCW map to focus areas identified in the NOAA – Environment Canada MOU PCW complements GOES-R, JPSS and international constellations under development for GEOSS, and therefore contributes internationally. Would seem a necessary addition to a truly global observing system. NOAA’s Next-Generation Strategic Plan gives top priority to Arctic Science, Space Weather, and Climate Monitoring.
It Addresses Gaps in Observing PCW will enable spatially contiguous high latitude observing at a temporal frequency that current polar and geostationary systems cannot deliver; PCW performance can only be weakly emulated by stitching together observations from existing geo and polar constellations. PCW sensors matching GOES-R ABI channels and resolutions enable scientific collaboration and could effectively extend GOES-R algorithms consistently and seamlessly to 90 N -- A significant opportunity to leverage GOES-R investments. Thus, PCW could supply Alaska Region NWS forecast offices with valuable operational observations and derived products unavailable from GOES Addresses gap in high latitude motion vector winds between 60N and 70N (limitation of polar and geostationary orbit geometries), and provides higher quality 15-minute refresh winds from 50N to the pole; impacts on medium range NWP Space Weather
I believe it is in US and international interest to see a PCW mission succeed support of US operational agencies is critically important Cooperation on PCW instantiates the intent of bilateral agreements between Canada and US; Current ad hoc collaborations between US and Canadian scientists map closely to focus areas of the NOAA – Environment Canada MOU
How US Contributes U.S. and other international expressions of interest validates PCW mission to Canadian government decision-makers. Can facilitate rapid build-out of PCW capacity for science product and application development, processing, dissemination, and instrument calibration. PCW Fills Gaps Unique observations that support NOAA high-latitude operational forecasting and monitoring, and advance NOAA strategic priorities in Climate, Arctic Science & Applications, and Space Weather..
Enabling Agreements NOAA / Environment Canada MOU for Cooperative Activities –Steering Committee co-chaired by Mary Kicza and David Grimes –Agreed to four themes: Hydrology, Arctic, Climate, Forecast System Design North American Ice Service –Collaboration among the Canadian Ice Service, U.S. National Ice Center and International Ice Patrol Canada-US Agreement on Cooperation on Space Activities –NASA-CSA leadership Current PCW Collaboration (based on hand-shakes) –NESDIS scientists support PCW International Science & Users’ Team –EC scientists serve on GOES-R Algorithm Review, JCSDA science steering committee –Environment Canada and NESDIS STAR /CIMSS Activities: winds, proxy data sets –NESDIS supported JPL trade study showing ABI easily adapted to PCW mission
Session III: Focus Questions Science Algorithms & Applications Do you have observational requirements and gaps that PCW could uniquely meet? What geophysical observation might be obtained through PCW that would be of special operational or research importance to your agency or mission? To what extent could comparable information be derived using existing and planned polar and geo systems, or derived by other methods, and still meet your needs? Are there high priority high-latitude measurements that cannot be acquired, or acquired as well except through the vantage of an HEO? Are there specific scientific applications, improvements to situational awareness, or forecast benefits that PCW would more effectively enable? Can you conceive of enhanced economic benefits or environmental services that would be enabled by PCW? Can you conceive of a US payload of opportunity that could benefit your organization and mission?
Session IV: Focus Questions Data Processing and Distribution Will the proposed Canadian PCW ground architecture and products meet NOAA/US user requirements (from previous session)? If not, where are there gaps? Is there a requirement/desire for processing by NOAA (or other US agency) of: –Level 0 ; Level 1a-c image products; Level 2+ derived products How will PCW data and products interface to the NOAA (or other US agency) architecture? What technical capabilities do NOAA or other US agencies have that could augment or complement the proposed Canadian infrastructure to meet US requirements? e.g., –backup reception; science and processing algorithms; product generation, distribution, archive What ground segment coordination and development activities are required to maximize the access and utility of PCW data and products to meet US requirements?