Pindaro Demertzoglou Lally School of M&T B2C and B2B
Topics HTML – XHTML markup languages. CSS – Cascading Style Sheets. Scripting Languages. Java Applets – ActiveX controls. XML Extensible Markup Language. Active Server Pages. B2C – Business to Consumer e-commerce. B2B – Business to Business e-commerce.
HTML - XHTML Used to present text and images on web pages. Uses tags to present information. Processed by the browser on the client. Provides static content. List of HTML tags: XHTML is the follow-up version to HTML 4 W3C called it XHTML instead of HTML 5 Includes all of HTML 4 tags, but it can be extended by the addition of customized tags
How the server client communication works
CSS CSS provides uniform formatting for the entirety of the web site or application It allows for easy updates of color schemes, font sizes, background colors, element sizes with just one change. Internal – placed near the beginning of html document ( tag within section) External style sheet – contains formatting specifications for a group of Web pages; a separate file contains the styles
Scripting Languages VBScript from Microsoft, JavaScript from Netscape Not to be confused with Java from Sun Microsystems Allow us to work with variables and data on web pages. We can validate form input, communicate to the user. Processed on the client by the browser, no need for a web server. Extend the functionality of HTML. They are interpreted languages.
Scripting Languages LanguageResource JavaScriptNetscape VBScriptMicrosoft Perlhttp:// Pythonhttp://
Java Applets – ActiveX Controls Compiled software packages Enhance browser’s functionality ActiveX download to local machine permanently Java applets run from the server The source code for java files has extension When compiled the extension becomes.class They are referenced in the HTML page using the or tags Java classes run using the Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
XML XML is a markup language like HTML. That is, it uses tags (eg. ) and we can assign attributes or properties to tags In XML we can define our own tags unlike it is the case in HTML where the tags are predefined for us. Using XML we can have presentation of data, description of data, and containment of data in the same page. That is we might want to define the tag 123 in which case we know that 123 is the price because it is describes as such. It is important to know that XML is not a replacement for HTML. Actually, XML is used for description and containment of data while HTML to present the data and the whole document.
Server-Side Processing Technologies Active Server Pages (ASP) – Java Server Pages (JSP) Processing occurs on the server Code remains on the server. Only html goes back to the client browser. Dynamic Content. Customized content. Can use objects/components. Browser independent. Server Side Languages: asp,, php, jsp.
B2C Key Concepts What is it? Selling to end customers over the Internet Relatively simple online transactions Relatively large number of transactions – High Sales volume Low Negotiation - Low Integration Channel cannibalization to pay attention to.
B2C Models Retailing web sites Advertising supported web sites Subscription supported web sites Affiliate Marketing
Web Hosting What is web hosting How do I find a web hosting solution Domain Names: Hosting:
Examples No need for web hosting!! Adam Morgan used to sell pool tables out of a Los Angeles retail store. As a test, he decided to auction one off on eBay. When it sold, he posted a second table, and the pattern continued. Today, his retail store is closed and he sells exclusively on eBay. Adam expects his eBay sales to hit $500,000. Tiffany Tanaka, 24. Operating under the eBay seller name weselthings4u and the website, Tiffany owns an eBay drop off store that sells things on consignment. Her primary customers are those who understand the power of eBay to sell products, but don't have the resources or desire to sell the things themselves. Tiffany's business makes her and her customers money. With sales of over 2.7 million dollars, Ms. Tanaka is poised to be one of eBay’s greatest success
Examples Marat was a Rutgers University student who got into eBay through his own desire to purchase cheap electronics. By discovering a cheap resource in overseas refurbished disk drives, Marat started making a profit by adding value to the disk drives with new covers. Today, he makes between 50 and 80 sales per day and averages over $4,000 in sales. By further negotiating volume shipping discounts, he has further increased his profits and is able to offer free shipping. He sells under the eBay power seller name, narro.
B2B Key points B2B occurs in two ways Inter-company Online Marketplaces High Negotiation High Integration There is no ready-made software unless you participate in a collaborative effort. There is no timing involved since there is flexibility on what goes B2B and when. There is hesitation since it involves exchange of confidential data
Two standards: EDI, XML
EDI vs. XML Messages EDI Sample Purchase Order
EDI vs. XML Messages EDI Message Sample XML Purchase Order
Online Marketplaces Access to Industry News Access to Industry Directories Access to Industry Catalogs Access to Auctions Access to Reverse Auctions Access to Aggregate Auctions Idea: An online marketplace for used auto parts The Capterra Story welcome=